Don’t Get Repossessed
![]() Monday, Nov 10, 2014
A friend sent the above photo of an advertising billboard as an example of exorcist humor. Actually, I’ve heard that punch line so many times that all I can do now is muster a slight grin when it’s thrown my way. But it does bring up an interesting question. If an individual has an exorcism, can the demon come back? It depends. Demonic possession is all about legal rights and the exercise of free will. One can get a demon by spiritual inheritance through the bloodline, but if that demon is to continue its inhabitation it needs a legal right to remain. For example, an ancestor who murdered someone could put a curse in the bloodline. You could inherit that demon; but for the evil spirit to remain in your life it would need to find a place to embed, such as your own unresolved anger and rage.
Once a demon is exorcised it may return if it is invited back in some way, or if the delivered person doesn’t fill that vacancy with the Holy Spirit and positive, God-affirming values (Luke 11:26). If the “house,” the delivered person’s soul, is only “swept clean and put in order” and not occupied by God’s presence through active pursuit of a dedicated spiritual life, there may be room and the right for eight demons to repossess. If the same sin is indulged in again, that kind of demon may return. I especially encounter this in the area of addictions. After an exorcism, counseling and rehabilitation is critical so that the root issues allowing the possession, and the addiction, are dealt with. A drug addict, for example, whose open door to demons was through illegal, recreational drugs risks being repossessed if he goes back to using those same substances. The same is true of sexual sin, the occult, and spiritual rebellion.
Being delivered is not an action, it is a way of living, continuing to abide in God’s grace and freedom. It means walking in accountability with others, regular church attendance, submission to spiritual authority, continuing counseling, and seeking healing and restoration for the wounded areas formerly infested by evil spirits. Yes, a delivered person can be “repossessed.” Not by a casual slip of rectitude, but by willfully reverting to the things that once held that individual in bondage to the forces of darkness.
An encouraging word:Â NO PEACE FOR THE WICKED “There is no peace for the wicked,” says Isaiah 57:21. I realize that it doesn’t look like it from the outside. The wicked often appear to be having the time of their lives, with all the money and pleasures one could imagine. In my counseling I’ve met any people who seem to be extremely successful by all appearances, but inside, in private, they are broken, depressed, tormented individuals. And even if they look like they have “peace” for a while, it eventually turns to sorrow, regret, and hopelessness. Don’t be fooled by the smiles, charm, and pretentiousness of the rich and famous. Those who are evil may be hiding a lot of misery you never see. God’s Word is true. The wicked have no peace.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online. |
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