Month: June 2020


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Topic July 5 – Word Curses

Energy Healing Exposed

Recently I did a virtual encounter with an individual from a European nation. She had recently found the Lord and was escaping a background of occult/New Age beliefs. Among the things she got involved in were healing stones, laying on of hands, tarot cards, yoga, zone therapy, and German psychic Bruno Gröning. This intelligent and educated woman was being attacked mentally and physically. She discovered me on YouTube and sought help. Unfortunately, she is one of millions who’ve been deceived by energy healing.

The basic ideas behind energy healing are these:

  • An undefined energy pervades the universe and all living things. Live in harmony with it and life will be successful. It flows in the body through 12 meridians (in deference to the zodiac of astrology).
  • This energy has no objective component and is known by different names in different religions and cultures. “Mana” to the Polynesians, “prana” to Hindus, and “chi” to Buddhists and Taoists, for example. This energy has no moral code and can be cultivated by anyone of any religious persuasion. 
  • Physical, emotional, and spiritual health is possible by re-distributing or disrupting the flow of this energy by techniques such as the laying on of hands, non-touch hand movements over the body in wave-like motions, pressure points (reflexology), disruption by needles (acupuncture), burning (moxibustion—fire from dried mugwort), and body motions such as yoga,  tai chi, or qui gong.
  • Often, a spiritual healer or guru is needed to move the energy, a supposedly advanced being. (None ever profess orthodox biblical faith.)

The late Bruno Gröning, mentioned above, was a German/Polish mystic who rose to fame after World War II. He’s still followed by millions across Europe. His beliefs are typical of energy healers. He claimed access to “ancient wisdom” that had been lost. He believed that health, not illness, is humanity’s natural state [Christian Science]. Wellness is possible by absorbing a “divine life force” by daily tuning in to a “healing wave.” He predicted that humanity was about to experience what he called a “great reversal” when everyone would live in harmony with nature. He died at age 52. So much for ancient wisdom.

If you have been involved in energy healing, as a practitioner or recipient, you are likely demonized and in need of an exorcism. You must immediately make a list of all related practices in which you’ve engaged and find someone who understands spiritual warfare to agree with you in prayers of renunciation. Better yet, contact our offices for an in-person or virtual encounter. The energy you may have manipulated or ingested is demonic and has nothing to do with true biblical healing such as prescribed in James 5:14, prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

Roots of Racism

Last week’s blog “Pastors Shouldn’t Protest” caused a furor with some of our readers. They missed my point. I stated that NOW was not the time for clergy to march in the streets. Yes, black and white pastors marched with Martin Luther King, but things were much different then. There were no leftist, Antifa-anarchists in the crowd egging on violence. There were no criminal looters in Selma. To march with Black Lives Matters today often means direct involvement in a mixed multitude, some of whom are genuinely sincere and others who are intent on destroying property and taunting police.

What’s more important than protest signs highlighting a single, tragic incident, is identifying the roots of racism and pulling them up. One root is slavery. In some ways its worst legacy was destruction of the family unit. Slaves were considered less than fully human to be bought and sold as individuals without regard for spouses or children. Slave owners cared little for the familial connections of slaves.  Bonds of love and stability between husbands, wives, and children were disregarded. African American pastors tell me that this curse still haunts fragmented, black families today. That curse of slavery must be broken by all African American Christians.

We must also confront the racist root of white supremacy which comes from Nordic, demonic powers. Hitler based his antisemitism on the occult worship of Nordic gods like Odin and Thor. The curse of these false gods comes from Scandinavian regions, and it’s no coincidence that George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis. Nearly 17% of Minnesotans claim Norwegian heritage. White Aryanism and Nordic witchcraft foment hatred of Jews and those of color. I’ve dealt with many demonic possession cases involving these demons.

Our Advanced Academy of Deliverance explains the Scandinavian curse of Jante which facilitates this diabolical racism. The Jante curse enforces a belief in conformity to the collective norm of the majority, which may include a white plurality. I believe that some blacks in Minneapolis have been victimized by this curse. George Floyd might have been one of them. As Christians we need to look behind the gut-grabbing headlines to understand what’s really going on in spiritual warfare! To heal our land, we must go beyond identity politics and embrace the power of prayer to break ancient curses of hatred for any stigmatized group. If you are of Scandinavian ancestry, break the curse of Jante. (I’m half Norwegian, and I have.) If you are African American, recognize slavery as a social evil but also a demonic curse. Break it. Renounce what was done to your ancestors and its consequences of poverty and despair. Ridding ourselves of such generational evil is the only way to pull up the spiritual roots of racism and cast them into holy fire!

Personal Encounters Resume!


Taking reservations now for July 7 onward.

In-person ministry sessions available at

our ministry center in Phoenix, Arizona.

Appointments will go quickly. Call now to

schedule your one-on-one time with Bob.




Increased donation was due June 15, but we are

extending a grace week until Monday, June 22.

Reserve in advance and avoid this increase.

Click Here or call (303) 980-1511.

Pastors Shouldn’t Protest

Some evangelicals are joining public protests. Like Hillsong leaders who’ve endorsed Black Lives Matter. In my opinion these politically correct Christians are being coopted by Antifa anarchists with violent intentions. Can Christians really support slogans like, “No Justice, No Peace,” and “PROPERTY CAN BE REPLACED. GEORGE CAN’T BE.” Those intentions aren’t subtle. The threats are obvious. Do pastors really want to be connected to rioters, looters, and those who want to defund police forces? The injustices of today pale by comparison to the brutality of Rome. But Christ never sent his disciples to march against Caesar. He told them to cast out the demons behind these injustices.

This social gospel has been tried before in the 60s and 70s in Latin America, and preachers led the protests. The results were brutal, communist regimes in places such as Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela. Haven’t we learned anything? Racism is demonic. That knee on the head of George Floyd was demonic. But putting a knee to the ground in support of social anarchy leaves the African American community at greater risk of having their businesses burned and their opportunities for equality lessened. Are you listening Mr. and Mrs. Drew Brees?

Marches and provocative protests won’t heal our land. Genuine, national repentance for the brutality of slavery would be a start. But attention-grabbing displays of bended knees does nothing to drive out the demons of hate. America isn’t a racist nation. We elected an African-American for President. Ours is a good and great nation and prejudiced people are a small minority. Racism won’t change without prayers of deliverance no matter how many march. Pastors who kneel like Colin Kaepernick should stand up with a Bible and confront the real evil behind all animosity. The devil and his demons cause social injustice. I’ve cast out many demons of hate and human servitude from both blacks and whites. The results have led to lasting spiritual change and a color-blind attitude toward race. Instead of protesting, pastors need to stop kneeling and start rebuking — the devil and his demons. Instead of racial warfare, we need spiritual warfare. We need pastors who will pray, not protest!

When Will Personal Encounters Resume?


Soon! In-person ministry sessions will be available at our ministry center in Phoenix in a matter of weeks.

Demand is great. Call quickly to schedule your very own one-on-one time with Bob.


Reserve in advance and avoid this increase.

Click here or call 303-980-1511.

Please, give your best gift now. CLICK HERE

You can always call 303-980-1511.

Thank you in Jesus’s name.

Exorcism Interruptus

Many have sought deliverance from demonic torment and suffered what I call “exorcism interruptus.” Interruptus is an ancient Latin term meaning to “stop,” “hinder,” or “obstruct.” It refers to quitting something before its finished. In the spiritual sense, it is declaring that a prayer process is over when it is not over. Some who have suffered an interrupted exorcism eventually seek my help through a personal encounter. They were tormented by evil spirits. Many experienced overt demonic manifestations. They went to a deliverance minister or inner healing group. Unlike our personal encounters which thoroughly vet an individual’s history, few questions were asked. The process was heavy on the prophetic but light on investigation. No one was looking for, what I call in my book “Dealing with Demons,” the fingerprint of Satan — evidence that demons were indwelling the person (possessing them).

Here’s what these victims of exorcism interruptus were told:

  • We don’t allow demons to speak. We just tell them to go and they go.
  • You’re not possessed, just oppressed. Christian can’t be possessed.
  • God gave me a word that you had such-and-such demon and it left.
  • You need healing prayers. We don’t do exorcism. That’s Catholic.

Often, none of these assumptions was true. The individual went on his, or her, way thinking all would be okay, but it wasn’t. The torment returned. Not because the demons returned. They never left because they were never cast out. Healing prayers may bring relief. That’s good. But often the comfort is temporary because there was no actual exorcism. No expulsion of objectively identified entities. The deliverance process was cut off. Exorcism interruptus!

Students of our International School of Exorcism (To enroll click here.) are taught this maxim: “Strong demons don’t go until they’re made to go.” Inner healing can be a gateway to exorcism. Self-deliverance will weaken lesser demonic minions. But the Strong Man, the chief evil spirit of whom Christ spoke of in Mark 3:27, has to be forced out. Driven out. Exorcised. As the King James Version says in Psalm 44:2: “Thou didst drive out the heathen [demons] with thy hand . . . and cast them out.” We of the new covenant who have Christ’s command of Mark 16:17 to cast out demons dare do no less!

When Can I See Bob In Person?


With COVID restrictions being lifted, many
people call each day asking when personal 
encounters at our ministry center in
Phoenix will once again be available.

We are NOW taking reservations so please
don't hesitate. Call TODAY 303980-1511.

Reserve in advance now and avoid this increase.

To give your best gift, click here or call 303-980-1511.
For your Personal or Virtual Encounter click here.
To enroll in our School of Exorcism click here.
To enroll in our Advanced Academy click here.

George Floyd Demonic Riots

There has never been a time like this in America. First, COVID-19. Record unemployment, 100,000 deaths, and churches closed coast to coast. Now the riots. Something is happening that is political, economic, social, and spiritual. The devil wants to destroy America. We’re not a perfect county. But no nation has offered more freedoms, economic advantage, and opportunity. Most important, for more than a century, America has been the Christian capital of the world. We send the most missionaries. We print the most Bibles. We have the most churches preaching the gospel. In America, more people confess a personal relationship with Jesus Christ than anywhere on earth. We have our flaws as a nation and a church but consider this. This old ship of Zion, as the church has been called, may be a leaky boat, but it is still the best thing afloat anywhere on earth.

That’s why Satan has taken advantage of the George Floyd situation to foment social unrest that can lead to a takeover by the socialist and communists in our midst. That’s not a political statement, it’s a spiritual evaluation. America’s economic, legal, political, and social structure has brought forth the greatest expansion of the Christian message in history, through religious media, music, publishing, and church growth. Satan must stop that. Communists hate that. Socialist won’t tolerate it. If you don’t believe me, cite a single nation on earth past or present where the church has flourished under a socialist or communistic government. And make no mistake, the George Floyd tragedy is being exploited by godless, demonically motivated forces who care nothing about racism. Any injustice against blacks is a tool to be exploited by white elitists who want to destroy America and Christianity.

One more thought. When it comes to embracing deliverance, the black church in America, and African-Americans in general, are far more open to the message of spiritual warfare. In some ways, the hope for America’s spiritual future lies with the black community. They are ones who understand spiritual oppression more than any other group. They know that slavery was demonic. Some African Americans may indeed be troubled about white racism and rogue cops who act contrary to their civic duty. These blacks may wish to express that opinion in forceful ways. But snatching a Gucci bag from a broken store window is about lawlessness, not racial oppression. These riots are demonic. They are spiritual preparation for the man called “man of lawlessness” in Second Thessalonians 2:3. The Antichrist. May justice be done for George Floyd. And may all Americans, of all colors, rise as one nation under God to cast out the demons behind injustice and hate that comes from Hell. 

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