
Exorcism Invasion of Europe!

What I need to share with you is so important that we’re combining our usual “Blog” and “Ministry Update” into a single report about our Mission to Europe June 2-14.
I’ve been privileged to minister in more than 100 countries and 6 of the 7 continents. (I haven’t cast out demons yet in Antarctica, but who knows?) The last six years we’ve concentrated on Eastern Europe and Russia. Now we are called to the cradle of Christianity, Western Europe.  
These cities have been strategically selected because . . . 
LONDON: Financial capital of the world. 
OSLO: Satanic Death Metal music capital of the world. 
ANTWERP: Belgium has seen some of the worst terrorist attacks.  
AMSTERDAM: Most powerful Freemason influence in all Europe. 
DUBLIN: Historic religious city that is now more than 80% pagan. 
These cities were once strongholds of Christianity. Today, Bible believers are vastly outnumbered by Muslims and followers of witchcraft and the occult. Only a dramatic demonstration of God’s power will change things. Casting out demons will make the difference. EUROPE MUST WITNESS GOD’S POWER! 
We’ve planned this mission on short notice, with little funding, and lots of faith. With credit cards, we’ve temporarily secured the meeting places and booked flights and hotel. WE DON’T HAVE THE FUNDS to cover these expenses. And it’s just a matter of days before we’re there.  
Meeting room rentals in Europe are 4-5 times the cost of America. Please, send $10,000. $5,000, $1,000, $500 or even $100. Any gift of ANY SIZE will help.  
 This is a step of faith. We need YOUR help. Thank you for responding TODAY. 
To give your best gift today  CLICK HERE. 
Or you can always call 303-980-1511. 

Dangerous Duty

The media often asks me, “How dangerous is it to be an exorcist?” I never think much about it. I’ve been gouged and bloodied a few times. Scratched. Spat on. Punched. Knocked down. Knives and guns pulled on me. Flipped over backwards and thrown across the room. I have a few minor scars. The worst was getting my ribs broken several years ago in Africa. But no permanent injuries. Considering I’ve done more than 40,000 documented exorcisms over four decades, that’s not too bad. God has protected me. Angels have rescued me, I’m sure. But it can be dangerous duty.

One of the most violent exorcisms was some years ago in Australia. It took 13 men, hanging on to various body parts, to control one man manifesting demons. Just a couple of weeks ago in Ukraine, a 16-year-old kid could barely be restrained by five huge men. He knocked me over, tore my suit coat, and we ended up rolling around on the floor as I exorcised the demons. I’ve seen a woman weighing little more than 100 pounds pick up a 250-lb. man with one arm and fling him aside. And, yes, I’ve seen a few levitations.

Most of the time, deliverance is not nearly as violent and paranormal as Hollywood imagines. But it can be dangerous if precautions aren’t taken. I bring this up because several recent exorcisms have been particularly dangerous. What would you expect? Demons foment wars, murder, domestic disputes, rape, and assorted crimes of violence. They possessed Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and assorted despots. They help organize MS-13 gangs. Demons inhabit jihadists who behead the innocent. And they stalk the mean streets of South Chicago.

Being an exorcist may be dangerous duty, but I’m still alive and have never had a life-threatening injury. God has kept me safe. And if you’re called to deliverance ministry, He’ll keep you safe, so long as you’re prayed up and don’t do something foolhardy. So, pick up the Sword of the Spirit, and enroll in our School of Exorcism. Put on the Armor of God according to Ephesians chapter six, and get ready to do battle against the devil. I promise you this. You’ll be blessed doing deliverance, more than any other endeavor for the Kingdom of Christ. Want to know what’s really dangerous? Pretending Satan is not real or denying the havoc he wreaks in the lives of Christians. That’s REALLY dangerous. And deadly!


CLICK HERE OR CALL 303-980-1511 NOW!

An encouraging word: STAYING POSITIVE

Someone commented to me recently, “The thing I most admire about you is that with all you’ve been through you keep a positive attitude about the future.” I was humbled to hear that; but it is true. In recent years, I’ve faced death several times and survived; first with acute diverticulitis in 2011 and then a heart attack in 2012. Add to that the struggles of pursuing an often-misunderstood ministry resulting in ever-present financial challenges. But how could I be otherwise than positive. I’ve been promised that “no weapon formed against you will prosper” (Is. 54:17) and “if God is for us, who can be against us” (Rom. 8:31). The secret to staying positive is basing your future on God’s Word, not your fears.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

Copycat Deliverance

You may not realize it, but many prominent deliverance ministers got their start from our ministry. Some used to listen to me on the radio when, for 20 years, I hosted a nationally syndicated talk show. (Often I would cast out demons, live and on-the-air, remember?) Other ministers read my books and followed suit. Many are alumni of our International School of Exorcism. When I started casting out demons, there was no one to mentor me. There were very few books on the topic of casting out demons and no online School of Exorcism. (There was no Internet.) That’s all changed. Hardly a day goes by without my hearing of someone using our teachings and methods of deliverance. A few credit the source of their knowledge. Most don’t. That’s OK. What’s important is that ministry is taking place and people are being set free. That’s my goal. I’d clone myself a million times if I could, at least the deliverance part. It brings me joy to see so many who have followed in our footsteps. We need many more like Anton, pictured below. I met him during our recent Ukraine mission. He had a testimony to share with me.

Copycat deliverance is all right. It’s what we want. It’s what this ministry is dedicated to doing. It’s why we launched our online International School of Exorcism. Our desire is to copycat what Jesus did, what the disciples did, and what the Early Church did. We strive to do “do what Jesus did” and we encourage others to do the same.

Enroll in the International School of Exorcism.

Available in Russian and English.


OR CALL 303-980-1511.


Anton in Ukraine, does Russian-language deliverance said,

“When you taught at the Bible College in prior years, I learned how to cast out demons. When I heard that you did Skype exorcisms I tried it. It works very well. I do it all over the world with people who speak only Russian, from Estonia to Portugal and Russia. I have also been to 22 churches in Russia and I preach what you have taught us in Bible College. I have seen many, many people set free. Thank you.”

An encouraging word: HAVE A DUAL PERSPECTIVE

In these times of economic chaos, recurring incidents of mass murder and terrorism, and ever more gross indecency, it’s hard not to be discouraged. We know that the Bible tells us in Luke 21:28 to “look up,” but it’s difficult not to look down sometimes. We need a spiritual dual perspective; being aware of the evil around us and also seeing that grace still does “much more abound” (Rom. 5:20). Learn to look up awaiting your redemption while also being conscious of the need to overcome evil with good every deed.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

Demon Driving

It’s an 840-HP car, the new, 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT, known better as “The Demon.” Ford named their competitor after a horse. But Dodge’s entry into the drag racing field prefers to take its name from Hell. According to its creators, it beats anything sent its way, including the Porsche 918. The color? What else, it’s red. And zero to 60 in 2.3 seconds. Fans of “muscle cars” are drooling. As USA TODAY put it, “Dodge conjured a power Demon . . .” The subtitle of the newspaper story said, “A DEMON OF UNGODLY SPEED.” A driving enthusiast was quoting as saying, “That is one hell of a car.” Want one? Better hurry fast. Only 3,000 will be built.

I don’t want one. Why? I can’t afford it. I have no desire for expensive thrills. It’s a matter of principle. Name a car after a demon, and I’m not driving it. This car is cursed. I can read some minds. “C’mon, Bob, lighten up. It’s just a car.”

Really? Then why not name your child “Demon.” Or your church. How’s this sound: “The First church of Demon.” Ridiculous? So is the trivialization of denizens of the deep. Demon is not a word to be bandied about, like the writer covering the recent Masters Golf Tournament; he opined of the winner, “Sergio Garcia finally gets rid of his demons.” (This referred to Garcia’s failure to win a big tournament after 74 attempts.)

The word “demon” isn’t a psychological construct describing some inner, emotional struggle. It’s not a euphemism for the rebellious or uncanny. Demons are fallen angels, without redemption, who come to “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10). Demons are the enemy of Christian faith and are to be cast out, not referred to with a mischievous glance. Enough of this casualness about demonic possession and face the truth. Demons rape, molest, lust, murder and rage. They start wars and foment drug addiction, prostitution, and domestic violence. If you have a demon, get an exorcism, not a Dodge souped-up devil of a car.

Call now 303-980-1511.

An encouraging word: GOD CREATED YOU FOR A PURPOSE

All around there are people who believe that human existence is the product of chance, and they live like it. Their disregard for the moral law of God testifies to their belief in the capriciousness of fate or the survival of the fittest. But know this: God created you with design and purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” You are not an evolutionary accident. God created you with a destiny of blessing and fulfillment.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

Islamophobia in Canada

“Nothing more than a thought-terminating cliché conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” So said a former Muslim Imam and a member of the International Institute of Islamic thought about legislation just passed in Canada to criminalize what Parliament calls “Islamophobia.” The headline above is from a newspaper I read while in Edmonton, Canada for a recent seminar. The Islamophobia motion M-103 was proposed by (who else) a Muslim MP whose motion would, in the words of the legislation, “eliminate religious discrimination including Islamophobia.” Here is the strategy. Make up a word. Create the appearance of a prejudice. Presto. You’ve got a specially protected class of people with a religious viewpoint that must be saved from the perceived ravages of discrimination. Never mind that a national poll of Canadian citizens found that only 29 percent of them would actually vote for such a bill. Fortunately, several Members of Parliament who hadn’t lost their sanity argued in opposition to the bill. One of them put it this way: “The word ‘Islamophobia can be used against criticism of Muslim doctrine and practice. Religious people deserve legal protection, but religions do not. People should feel free to criticize the doctrines, history, or practice of any religion.”

Just how far might such a law go? Who knows. Thirty percent of Canadians surveyed saw the measure as a clear attack on free speech. Though this motion in Parliament claims to be intent on protecting all religious discrimination, Islam is the only religion specifically called out. Just imagine trying to pass a similar motion in the defense of Jews or Christians. Wouldn’t happen. And the irony is that the more violent and bloodthirsty the Islamic terrorists get, the more some, like the Canadian Parliament, seems bent on showing discriminatory favor to Islam. This motion of the Canadian Parliament is an attack, not on religious discrimination, but on any criticism of political Islam, even terroristic Islam. Canadians, be careful because the Muslim Big Brotherhood is watching. And never forget the chilling words of President Barack Obama, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

An encouraging word: LOVE CONQUERS HATE

“Pray for those who persecute you,” Matthew 5:44 compels us. The “love your enemies” ethic of Christianity isn’t easy to practice. But if I’ve learned anything in all my years of dealing with demons it’s that love is more powerful than hate. Satan has a defense for almost every Christian counter-strategy, but he has no way to defend against unconditional love. Loving people is the path to their conversion and their liberation. The devil can’t understand godly love and he is incapable of mounting a resistance against it.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

Tear Down the Shack Part 2

Part #1 regarding my analysis of the movie “The Shack” explained the basic plot line and emphasized my objection to God being portrayed in female form. I connected this to the ancient heresies of the Gnostics and teachings of Modalism. But the idea of a female godhead (remember both the Father and the Holy Spirit of “Shack” are female) has also been expressed in witchcraft and many false religions.

The idea of God as a woman has deep pagan roots, usually linked to qualities of love, motherhood, and fertility. Buddhism, Hinduism, and many polytheistic religions, including the Romans and Greeks, elevated female deities to a place of supremacy. We expect this sort of thing from the New Age and witchcraft, but not from an alleged Christian writer in a faith based movie. So, let’s get a few things straight. Though God is a spirit (John 4:24), He has revealed himself to humanity in Scripture, and in the Incarnation, as male. Anthropomorphism is the theology by which God is assigned human characteristics, such as references to his eyes and arms. This communicative device is nowhere in the Bible assumed to be literal. (In their perverted view of sex, Mormons make God into a deity who was once human and still retrains those same characteristics, including genitalia. In Mormonism, Mormons believe that is how Mary became pregnant.)

But what we have in “The Shack” is bald-faced blasphemy, accepted by many evangelical Christians for whom the sentimentality of “forgiveness” and the healing of painful memories takes precedence over Scriptural fidelity. Genesis 1:26 tells us that man was created in God’s image, not only the essence of God’s character but also his maleness. There are 170 references in the Bible to God as “Father.” If the Bible had meant “Mother,” it would have said so. Never once in Scripture is a female pronoun used to reference God. Jesus referred to the “Father” with distinctive maleness 160 times. John 10:30 says, “I and the Father are one.” Not “I and the Mother are one.” From Acts to Revelation 900 verses use masculine nouns (in the original Greek) when directly referring to God. Literary license can be employed in many motifs, but deceiving depictions of God the Father as if He were actually God the Mother isn’t one of them

“Shack” the movie may or may not be good cinema. (I personally felt it was a little sappy and disingenuously aimed at the sympathetic gut. On a human level, I was more inclined to be teary-eyed at “La-La Land,” by comparison.) It may even be emotionally moving. But when the writer of a film, or book, ventures into theological territory, and the author claims a cloak of personal, evangelical faith, he surrenders all rights to misrepresent the attributes, purposes, and gender of God. As for author Young’s sometime comparison to C. S Lewis’s use of allegory, remember that Aslan was a lion, a Lion of Judah (Genesis 49:9; Revelation 5:5). That is a consistent, permissible allegory with biblical roots. God as Octavia Spencer is not. Gender fluidity in secular culture may be a topic of political debate, but gender-bending the Bible is blasphemy! It’s time to tear down the shack!

An encouraging word: WORDS HAVE MEANING

Words are more than a collection of letters on a page or sounds spoken. The word “demons” is bandied about as some vague description of inner emotional torment, with no literal significance. Likewise, “hell” and “damn” are frequent epithets with no objective meaning in modern slang. But words are more than sounds and syllables. Words have meaning and influence. Check out the words you speak today. Speak good words to those around you, remembering Proverbs 16:24: “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

Tear Down “The Shack”

“The theology isn’t perfect, but it’s an amazing story of forgiveness.” So said one very respected Christian writer about the movie, “The Shack,” based on a best-selling 2007 novel by William Young. Here’s the basic story. A man named Mack Phillips has a faith crisis after his daughter is murdered in a shack. He receives a letter telling him to go to that shack. There he meets God in the person of an African American woman called Papa. (Papa says she has many names, a possible hint at Unversalism.) The whole trinity is there as well. Jesus is a Middle Eastern carpenter, and the Holy Spirit is an Asian woman. How convenient that the godhead has manifested as a politically correct, multi-cultural collection of characters. Mack also has a conversation with a being named Sophia, the personification of God’s wisdom. For those unaware, Sophia was a goddess of the Gnostics, a first century heretical sect whose teachings Paul condemned in the letter to the Colossians. She was believed to have fallen from grace and afterwards helped create the material world. Can we all say together, “Jezebel, Lilith!” Three of four divine beings are women? What’s going on here? After having suffered through God as George Burns and Morgan Freeman, what hath “The Shack” wrought? Artistic idolatry? We expected blasphemy from Burns and Morgan. But “Shack” is the product a confessing evangelical Christian.

If you want an emotionally moving film, this is it. A tear jerker. Who wouldn’t be moved by the story of a father whose daughter is abducted and killed, especially when the movie’s climax shows Mack being led to a cave where he find his dead daughter’s body. A five-handkerchief alarm. I do understand, as a writer, the use of allegory to fictionally make a point. But the Father and Holy Spirit as female? What’s that all about, and can such mistreatment of biblical truth be taken lightly? Just because the film/book emphasizes Christian themes of grace and forgiveness, does that make it “Christian?”

The message of “The Shack” is this: Papa, mother-god, is a graven image in cinematic form; it’s template is the New Age, not historic Christianity. Worst of all it promotes Modalism, the idea, borrowed from eastern religions, that god may manifest in many forms. Modalism, sometimes called Sabellianism, teaches that God has three modes of revelation, which is heretical to the doctrine of the trinity. (Modalism believes, for example, that Jesus was god playing a role as the Son. The same for the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Just God in another mode.) This teaching that God is really one person in three modes of expression is in contrast the Christian doctrine that the Trinity is the coexistence of three distinct persons as one. Early church fathers, such as Tertullian in the third century, condemned such ideas as heresy. “The Shack” confuses Christian doctrine that the Godhead consists of three consubstantial persons, distinct, yet of one substance, essence, and nature.

Interestingly, in Hinduism, the second of the Hindu trinity, Vishnu (a demon I’ve face on many occasions), sometimes appears as a female god. Other Hindu demon-gods, appearing in female form, which I’ve faced as evil spirits, include Lakshmi, Kali, and Parvati (wife of Shiva.) The Shakti tradition of kundalini-awakening yoga sees god as a female (Shakti is the Divine Mother). The same for Bhakti yoga. Brahma, the first of the Hindu trinity, is beyond gender and can appear as male or female. Shiva, “the Destroyer,” is the patron god of yoga.

Whatever author William Young’s personal convictions and intentions, very serious issues about the nature and character of God are raised by “The Shack.” I’ll say more next week.

NOTE: Part #2 continued next week!


“The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness.” That statement from Psalm 29:8 seems strange. What’s the point? The rest of the verse identifies the “wilderness of Kadesh,” an isolated and ignored place in ancient Israel. Perhaps the psalmist wanted us to realize that there is no place too remote to escape the voice of God. The impact of God and His Word knows no earthly boundaries. From the loftiness of Mt. Hermon to the lowliest of forsaken places, God speaks. And it is to all those places we must take the gospel. What is, figuratively speaking, the wilderness near you where you need to speak about Jesus? It may be friends, it may be family, it may be your own neighborhood.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

Exorcism Isn’t Easy

A friend of our ministry, Krista, who recently completed the courses in our International School of Exorcism, made an interesting observation: “There seems to be so much detail and subtlety in exorcism. I would call it an art.” Put another way, some critics accuse me of being unbiblical when I encourage students of our School to learn many intricacies of information before attempting to cast out demons. In short, they argue, “Just do it like Jesus did. Tell the demons to kept quiet and come out.” They infer that deliverance should be quick and easy.

This critique is based on a lack of scriptural knowledge and many false assumptions. Some “experts,” who’ve never been involved in deliverance, argue that Jesus cast out demons quickly; however, to cite several cases in point, we don’t know how much time Christ spent ministering to the man among the tombs (Mark chapter 5); or the Syrophoenician woman of Mark chapter nine. We know by reading certain passages in which Christ cast out demons that He engaged in verbal interaction with evil spirits. What the gospel writers give us are sketchy, anecdotal accounts, not time-logged transcripts of what occurred. Furthermore, the only time Jesus directly silenced demons was the case of the demon possessed man who screamed in the synagogue (Mark 1:23-27). And this was because Christ didn’t want his identity prematurely exposed.

Yes, Krista, it is an art. And a complicated one at that. As explained in the School of Exorcism, an effective deliverance minister may face not only demons but several other states of consciousness. These may include dissociative identity disorder, ancestral dissociated soul-fragments, or absorbed soul-identities from living individuals (those whom the demonized host had soul-connections with). It is an art to sort through all these soulish identities to get to the demons. So why doesn’t the Bible tell us about this and why didn’t the disciples encounter such variations of possession? Well, they may have and didn’t tell us. Or it’s possible that such strategies of Satan have been devised or perfected in the last 2,000 years as defensive responses from the devil.

Exorcism isn’t easy. The effective exorcist/deliverance minister must know the Word, fast as needed, be aware of psychological mind states, have some understanding of mental illness, and be prepared to methodically proceed with ministry. “Out in the name of Jesus” is the end game. But what leads to that command of expulsion can be a challenging process. And it’s a lot more difficult for the person who hasn’t enrolled in our International School of Exorcism.



An encouraging word: FIND CHRISTIAN FRIENDS

God has created us for community. We are all healthier in every way when we are connected to the larger human family, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. That’s why the Bible says that serious decisions in life should have the checks and balances described in Proverbs 11:14: “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Find friends. Develop solid Christian fellowship on a regular basis. Your life will be enriched and the devil will have less ways to attack you. Godly Christian friends are a must in our disconnected world.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

It’s not OK to be OK

This week, my wife texted me a sign hanging outside an evangelical church: ITS OK NOT TO BE OK. Laura chaffed when she saw it. So did I when I saw her text. Frankly, I’m getting a little sick of pop-culture-branded Christianity that subsists on trite slogans. Leo Buscaglia, known in the 90s as “Dr. Love,” and famous for his hugs, was a best-selling author who championed the now-in-vogue idea that love is all there is and love is all we need. As you can see from the quote above, this idea goes so far as to suggest that one can forgive oneself. No need for a transcendent Creator to whom we are accountable. Especially not one who is capable of judgment. That wouldn’t be OK. When was the last you heard a preacher deliver a sermon on Colossians 3:6: “The wrath of god is coming upon the sons of disobedience.”

I understand the sentiment that sometimes in life we’re not OK and it’s all right to experience times of self-doubt and discouragement. But I’m not for wallowing in self-loathing and depression. To enshrine and sloganize the idea that we should ever be resigned to life at its worst, is to forget that many adversities we face are from Satan. In that instance, it’s not OK to accept the status quo of spiritual oppression. If you are living under an unbroken curse, you can’t “accept yourself” out of it. You have to fight back in the name of Jesus. It simply is not OK to be OK, if your OK is a resignation to the way things are in spiritual bondage, instead of the way it could be if you were delivered from your demons. If you are about to ratify and normalize Satan’s attacks on your life as being OK, reach out to someone who understands inner healing and deliverance. Call our office and schedule a Personal Spiritual Encounter. Arrange a Skype or personal session when we can confront the demonic forces that want to destroy you. Be assured, that when I encounter your demons, I won’t tell them it OK for them to stay there!


CALL 303-980-1511.

An encouraging word: BE KIND

“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate” (Albert Schweitzer). “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with . . . kindness.” (Col 3:12) In a world of harsh tweets, internet rants, and Facebook humiliations we could all use a little kindness. It’s in short supply with the caustic comments of politicians and crude comedians leading the way. Christians can do better. Try a little kindness today.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

Fake News

It has become a byword in conversation, an epithet thrown at the media, a point of contention between the Trump administration and news outlets worldwide. FAKE NEWS! The cry goes out across the land, and both liberals and conservatives have their own idea about what it means. To President Trump it’s scurrilous rumors about shenanigans in a Moscow hotel. To liberals it’s almost anything that Press Secretary Shawn Spicer says in media briefings. Crowd size at the Inauguration, intelligence leaks concerning Michael Flynn – if it’s controversial it potentially qualifies. Fake news is a deliberate lie, hoax, or collection of misinformation, often outlandish, disseminated by social media or major news outlets, intended to mislead those not aware of the facts.It’s nothing new. But recently, this news about the news has become the news itself. Movie stars have been victimized by it in the National Inquirer and politicians have been bitten by it in blogs and mainstream editorials. It’s been around a long time as propaganda and satire. To be sure that you’re getting the facts about the facts, journalistic experts advise giving any sensational information the test of “considering the source.” It’s also good to read beyond the headlines and consult a variety of information outlets.

Perhaps the greatest example of fake news occurred nearly 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem. The Pharisees were fearful when they learned that Christ was risen from the dead so they created fake news. The gave a large sum of money to the Roman soldiers guarding the tomb of Jesus, and declared, “Tell them [the public and Roman officials], ‘his disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept'” (Matthew 28:13). The bribery didn’t work. Two millennia later, the Resurrection of Christ is believed by at least 2 billion people, for whom it is the cornerstone of their faith. And don’t forget the first example of fake news, in the Garden when Satan said to Eve, “You will not surely die.” The biggest source of fake news isn’t CNN or “The Onion.” It’s the devil!

An encouraging word: LOVE CONQUERS HATE

“Pray for those who persecute you,” Matthew 5:44 compels us. The “love your enemies” ethic of Christianity isn’t easy to practice. But if I’ve learned anything in all my years of dealing with demons it’s that love is more powerful than hate. Satan has a defense for almost every Christian counter-strategy, but he has no way to defend against unconditional love. Loving people is the path to their conversion and their liberation. The devil can’t understand Godly love and he is incapable of mounting a resistance against it.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online