Month: April 2024

How Curses Target Your Life

How do curses target your life? This spiritual process of evil isn’t as simple nor as direct as you may think. It has taken me decades of ministry in spiritual warfare to understand what I’m going to share in a few words. But before I begin, we must dispel the theological myth that curses can’t affect Christians. I methodically demolish this faulty supposition in my book entitled “Curse Breaking” and in the courses of Bob Larson University. The premise for what I’m about to say is this: Generational curses may affect Christians to varying degrees, especially lukewarm Christians who don’t take proactive measures to break curses.

Curses operate in these three basics ways:
1) A direct attack from bloodline evil caused by recent ancestors.
2) Spiritual land mines, traps set for the unsuspecting generations to step on.
3) Curses that skip a generation so they aren’t obvious to directly link them to the origin.

Let’s break down these three ways curses operate one by one.
1) BLOODLINE EVIL: Curses passed down by ancestors can originate in the distant past or more recently. The more obvious curses are those in the family bloodline remembered by living descendants. These are the easiest curses to break because they can be historically verified. Become aware of the serious sins of parents, grandparents, and great grandparents by speaking with all living ancestors, including extended family members. Find out if there is extreme evil within family memory. A list should be made of who did what in the event that their actions possibly opened the door to demonic
incursion. Renounce such evil deeds immediately.

2) SPIRITUAL LAND MINES: A spiritual land mine is a ticking time bomb of evil consequences. It lies in wait for some unsuspecting individual in the bloodline to step on it and activate its evil. It’s not something anyone in your family may be aware of. It could be a family secret that no one wants to talk about, or no one knows about. Ask the Lord to bring into the open extreme evil that family members have done, a curse that could be waiting to strike an unsuspecting person in the bloodline. These are curses you can’t break specifically because you don’t know for certain what they are. Leave them in the
Lord’s hands to be dealt with and to be removed from your path. Remind the devil that he won’t be allowed to attack you because there is something in your spiritual DNA you know nothing about.

3) SKIPPING CURSES: I sometimes have people say to me, “I don’t have any bloodline curses in my life because all the ancestors I know have been godly.” That is wonderful. But what about the evil of ancestors hidden from your knowledge? I’ve discovered from experience in spiritual warfare that curses sometimes skip one or more generations. They can’t land on the intervening generations because these ancestors walked with the Lord. Suppose that your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents have all been devout Christians. But what about other ancestors going back further? In our book “Curse Breaking” we teach the importance of renouncing all the evil of every ancestor going back to Adam and Eve, and everyone in between. Why take the chance that you may not be aware of a curse because it hasn’t fallen on someone in living memory? For example, if I speak to someone in India, I remind them that going back far enough they have Hindu ancestors. If I speak to someone in Africa or of African descent, I remind
them that it’s almost certain that they have distant ancestors who practiced witchcraft. The same concerns should be regarded by people with Irish ancestry, Nordic ancestry, and European ancestry, etcetera. Each ethnicity has it’s own unique evil.

There is no perfect and complete way to break every curse in your family bloodline. So, when you pray to break curses make your declarations contingent on what you do know and ask the grace of God to cover with the blood of Christ what you don’t know.

The ESV version of Genesis 4:7 says this: “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.” The Living Bible puts it this way, “It can be bright with joy if you will do what you should! But if you refuse to obey, watch out. Sin is waiting to attack you, longing to destroy you. But you can conquer it!” Think about these words when you pray over the evil curses of your bloodline.

Demons Always Say This to Me

Demons always say three things to me:


Before I explain the logic behind this countering of what demons say, let’s first deal with the issue of vocal, demonic manifestations. Among those who practice deliverance there are differences of opinion. Some follow what I call “old school” deliverance which taught that you should never allow a demon to speak. If it does utter something, the deliverance minister should tell the demon to keep quiet and come out. We instruct the opposite in Bob Larson University. I don’t have time in this blog to develop the entire thesis behind commanding demons to speak. In Bob Larson University I back up this position scripturally and emphasize the importance of pressuring indwelling demons to vocally confirm their presence. This happened with the demon possessed man in the synagogue, referenced in Mark chapter 1, and spirit of Legion in Mark Chapter 5.

One more thought. This blog presumes that Christians can be demonized, and the manifesting demon is an illegitimate squatter, where he doesn’t belong. He’s just a holdover from the host’s pre-conversion condition.

In addition to the scriptural paradigm of deliverance set forth in the gospels there are practical considerations concerning demonic utterances. Having demons manifest and subsequently interrogated in a proper way reveals what can’t be known objectively through any other process. By forcing demons to reveal how and when they entered, and their current stronghold in the life of the host, the deliverance minister has a factual basis upon which to proceed. My experience with many thousands of documented exorcisms gives clear evidence that knowing the time and place of demonic entry can be crucial to a successful deliverance process. Much more information about this approach to deliverance is available on our streaming platform XDUNAMIS.

Having said this let me now refer to the three most common things demons say to me when they are interrogated. 

I’M NOT LEAVING: I don’t ever recall a case of deliverance when a demon started responding by saying, “Now that you found me, I’m ready to leave.” The nature of evil spirits is obstinance and rebellion. They may also contend, “I’ve been here too long.” Whatever the exact words, demons don’t give up without a fight. They do not start the deliverance process by raising the white flag and surrendering to the power of Christ. The response to satanic stubbornness should always be the same: “You are leaving in the name of Jesus and you will be cast out to the Pit.”

I HAVE A RIGHT TO STAY: The second thing demons claim is the right to remain in the host. This must immediately be challenged by demanding that the evil spirit declares what right he has. On occasion the demon may speak truthfully and have some kind of right which the host must then cancel by renunciation; however, usually this is a false boast. For example, the demon may say, “I have a right because of the ungodly life this person lived.” That would immediately be countered by reminding the demon that the person seeking help is a child of God and has repented of their past. Having failed the first attempt to claim a right, demons usually move on to a second or third reason. It’s obvious they are trying to bargain and have no legitimate means to stay. In the rare case where the demon does have a right which hasn’t been cancelled by the blood of Christ, the deliverance minister simply needs to lead the supplicant in prayers to nullify that right.

HE OR SHE WANTS OR NEEDS ME: Having failed to establish a legal right and admitting that their boast of remaining has no logical grounds, a desperate demon will then try to claim they can stay because the host wants or needs them. I have heard demons argue on this basis in several different ways. The evil spirit may say, “This person is so damaged and weak they can’t survive without me giving them strength.” Or the demon may argue. “He or she has never known life without me. I have been there since birth manipulating their decisions and emotions and they are incapable a surviving on their own.” Such arguments are easily countered by scriptures such as 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 – “When I am weak, then I am strong” because the grace of Christ is “sufficient” (verse 9).

To summarize, Christians can be demonized. Their demons may try to cleverly avoid expulsion by disingenuous and unbiblical reasoning. Quickly countering the false claims of evil spirits undercuts their reasoning and falsely claimed rights. Remember, demons are liars. Jesus explained in John 8:44 that the devil “was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”