Month: September 2022

Beware the Demons of Cluster Curses

Curses have the tendency to cluster. They clump, aggregate, coagulate, and collect, usually in one area of attack. When you see curses cluster, demonic possession usually results. In fact, having cluster curses is a major sign you are demonized.

How do you know to suspect you have a demon? The answer is easy. Consider these questions. Are there many bad things which have happened to you that are beyond the statistical probability of life in a fallen world? Do you have clustered curses? These are curses clustered around a particular aspect of your life such as your finances, your sexuality, your health, and your walk with God. If there are multifaceted attacks in one or more significant areas in your life, then you certainly have curses and likely have demons!

How can cluster curses be identified? Make a list of the evil events you know of in previous generations. Include all your extended family on both sides, even those in-laws acquired by marriage. If you detect a pattern, that may indicate clustered curses. For example, if you were molested, was one of your parents molested? Apply that question to siblings, grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Are there several instances of early, strange, or violent death in your extended family? Financial failure? Multiple divorces? Constantly conflicted relationships? Alcohol and/or drug abuse? Criminal conduct? Significant failure in one or more areas of life?

I caution, don’t jump to conclusions based on a small sample of one or two individuals. You are looking for consistency, similarities, and a demonic design that is repeated multi-generationally—clusters of specific kinds of evil. Once that pattern is identified, consider further investigation. Can you identify a collection of evil actions which have caused anti-Christian behavior and spiritual rebellion. The key is the clustering, the amassing of sins of witchcraft, the occult, and criminal or deviant behavior. The remaining matter to be clarified is if YOU are a target of these clustered curses and if YOU have exhibited any signs of demonic influence. 

That question is something you need to ponder and consider whether you should seek deliverance prayers and an exorcism. But before going that direction, first determine if you are clustered with curses. You can have a demon without curse clusters, but such bundles of evil heighten the likelihood of demonic oppression. Once you identify your clustered curses get help immediately. Enroll in our School of Exorcism. Schedule a personal encounter with me or an associate minister. Don’t seek the help of just anyone who says they do deliverance. Give due diligence to the process. Find someone with experience, accountability, and proper guidance. De-cluttering your curses, and casting out your demons, isn’t for the novice or faint of heart. Above all, don’t allow more curses to cluster in your life.

5 Ways to Stop Demonic Attacks

Every day my phone rings and my emails fill-up with people who believe the devil is attacking them. They are desperate. They talk about things crawling inside their bodies, constricting their spine and neck. Putting pressure on their heads. Even scratching them. Poking or pricking their skin. Some describe spiritual rapes and spiritual spouse experiences. Torment, torment, torment.

A few such individuals have some mental health issues. But not many. Most are genuinely under attack by evil spirits. Their stories are so similar and their life histories so typical that they must be taken seriously. We arrange for help, an in-person or virtual appointment with me or an associate minister, or a referral to one of our ministry teams. We understand the signs are of demonic oppression and outright possession.

The first thing we tell them is that Satan can’t do this these extraordinary things unless he has the right. We’re determined to find out what that right is. If demons have attacked by crossing over a line from the supernatural world into the natural world, they can’t do that easily. There must be an open door and we’re determined to find it. Before we can help you, here are some basic things you can do to lessen demonic attacks.

  1. Fast and pray (Matthew 17:21). If you don’t know how to fast with proper attention to health and spiritual welfare, google it. There are excellent ministries that focus on this discipline and can get you started. Couple your fasting with significant time in God’s word. Memorize some basic scriptural promises. Start educating yourself about spiritual warfare. Get our books and start reading them. Check out other great teachers and revivalist on YouTube who are zealous about deliverance and build your faith.  
  2. Immediately stop every addiction. I have people come to me for help who admit they are still smoking weed. One young man admitted he used marijuana on his way to meet with me. On another occasion, during a virtual Zoom encounter, a woman took one last inhale on her vape and blew the smoke in my face (virtually) as we connected on the internet. Do you think these people got the spiritual results they wanted?
  3. Do your best to find someone who can agree in prayer with you as a stopgap measure. That individual may not know much about deliverance. They may not know anything. But if they will be a prayer partner to stand with you in prayer as a preparation for ministry, that will help to push back against the devil.
  4. Let nothing stand in your way of getting help. Get a new computer or borrow one so that a virtual session with me can be most successful. Or use your cell phone. Drive or fly to our offices. An in-person ministry session has the potential for greater success. Don’t let anything get in your way. Just yesterday a young woman in her 20s drove 500 miles one way to meet with me. Our deliverance session was focused, to the point, and undistracted. Even though she had spent years in drug addiction, and a few months ago tried to kill herself with a fentanyl overdose, her demons had been weakened by her determination to see me. Within minutes her demons were gone because they were weakened by her resolve to get help. She walked into our offices depressed and fearful. Less than an hour later, she walked out smiling, rejoicing, and ready to get on with a new life in Christ. Whether it is me or one of our ministry associates who helps you, we know your time is valuable. Make the best of it by doing what you need to get the right kind of help.
  5. Clean up your life in every area. You don’t need an exorcist or deliverance minister to start your journey to freedom. Do your own work first. Forgive those who have wronged you. Throw out any New Age or occult books and paraphernalia. Cut off all unhealthy spiritual and sexual soul-ties. When we meet, let’s get on with the mission to get you free in Jesus. Don’t make me have to tell you to stop sleeping with your boyfriend or smoking dope with your friends. Before we start the deliverance process, stop the yoga yourself. Clean up your Facebook and Instagram account of questionable things. Turn off Game of Thrones and get into the Bible. Get ready for your miracle of freedom.

There are many other ways to prepare for deliverance but start with these five and you’ll be on your way to get free, stay free, and live free. I hope to see you face-to-face on my computer or in my office, SOON!

Is College Debt Forgiveness Biblical?

I’m a bit late to this party, but I’m going to address it anyway: President Biden’s decision to cancel student college debt, up to $10,000 for some and $20,000 for others. It’s now the law of the land as of August 24. Not because Congress voted on it, but because Biden by Executive Order said so. The reason I’m weighing in on this is because IT IS a profoundly spiritual matter. And to anticipate what some are thinking, it is also a matter of spiritual warfare. 

As I’ve watched the reaction of Christians to this decision, I have found their responses troubling. Few understand that when we speak of “forgiveness” we are in theological territory. Forgiveness isn’t a political concept, it is a spiritual transaction, even when the matter is financial. To forgive is to absolve, to treat the matter as if what’s forgiven never happened in the first place. It is a purging, as in the pardoning of our sins at the cross. To be a Christian is to be forgiven. But forgiveness costs someone something. At Calvary, it cost Christ His life and immeasurable suffering.

College debt forgiveness costs U. S. Taxpayers. A forgiven debt must be paid by someone when transactionally another is forgiven. The college students affected are off the hook. You and I, as taxpayers pick up this expense. It may not have been our children who incurred this debt, which has been calculated to cost somewhere between $400 billion and $1 trillion! No matter. Mr. and Mrs. taxpayer, you’re stuck. In our family a college educational debt was incurred. Through hard work, the child with that debt paid it off early. Had she waited, she would now have the debt forgiven. So, what was the worth her labor to pay off the debt? Nothing. That is not forgiveness, it is largesse, philanthropy without the consent of the donor.

Christians are divided on this matter, and both quote the Bible. Their general proof-texts are:

FOR DEBT FORGIVENESS: Exodus 22:25 — “If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest.”

AGAINST DEBT FORGIVENESS: Ecclesiastes 5:5 — “It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it.”

As far as the Bible is concerned it is poor exegesis to take a concept specifically intended to apply to a theocratic Old Testament society (Exodus 22:25) and enforce it on a democratic republic. Our American culture has been based on the concept of responsibility. If you incur a debt, pay it or you will suffer the consequences. The edict of debt forgiveness in the Hebrew Bible was intended for a specific group at a specific period in history. Those in favor of student loan forgiveness who see it as the Christian thing to do need to keep the whole of the law. if you approve the Biden decision, enjoy your next kosher meal. The ancient Jewish system of justice in social matters in a tribal, near Eastern, nomadic culture can’t be applied to the United State of America, 

Ecclesiastes 5:5 (It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it.) is a more applicable scripture if one looks for a Bible proof-text. Biden’s plan is a financially regressive redistribution of wealth. It takes from those who choose not to get a college education and forces them to pay off debts of others who incurred such debit in a lawful manner with full disclosure. The recipients of such will be a privileged group of people who, because of their college education, will eventually have higher earning potential. The universities, some with billion-dollar endowment funds, will be the ones most benefiting. Those who didn’t make it to college will be forcibly taxed to pay for the indiscretions of others. It is like using federal tax dollars to subsidize Planned Parenthood and free abortions for veterans, another recent government edict. 

Why is this a matter of spiritual warfare? Governmental intrusion by edict robs from those who choose to pay their debts and forces them to pay for others who incurred debt—and won’t pay. That is the way of Mammon, not Christian conscience. Worse yet, it is the creeping control of civil powers over private volitional decisions. That is a giant leap forward for the Antichrist. It brings people deeper into government control without their consent. (Remember, student loans were consensually acquired.) It increases the financial bondage of all for the benefit of a few who now claim they have no responsibility for their vow. 

In the spiritual world, Satan is constantly looking for ways to increase the bondage of humans, emotionally, morally, and financially. Forgiveness of debt is a Christian virtue when it is non-forcible and the result of mercy. The enforced transfer of wealth by civil decree is neither merciful nor biblical. 

Bring Your Bong to Yoga

Congress is making a big push, led by Senator Charles Schumer, to legalize marijuana nationally. Meanwhile, the toll of death and addiction in states which have legalized pot, is ignored. According to a report just released, car crashes in states which have legalized pot are up 6%. Colorado, a leader in this trend, saw an 18% increase.

The lead researcher for a newly published car-crash study, Charles Farmer, says, “The legalization of marijuana comes with a cost. It removes the stigma of marijuana use, leading to more intoxicated and less-attentive drivers with slower reaction times and a tendency to veer outside their lanes.”

Also in weed-legal states, emergency room visits due to psychosis among teens high on pot is skyrocketing. Yet 58% of the public is in favor of legalization. That number includes a lot of youth who want to get high and entrepreneurs who want to make fortunes selling weed – now a $30 billion business and projected to be almost $50 billion in 3 years.

In Canada, which decriminalized marijuana in 2018, a study shows that pot users were 22% more likely to end up in a hospital emergency room due to serious injury or breathing problems. And if you think the medicinal benefits are great, researchers at Oregon Health and Science University—in a state where pot use is legal—report that there is “very little scientifically valid proof that cannabis-related products relieve chronic pain.” Sadly, health care experts are dealing with children as young as nine who are struggling with weed addiction.

But here is the craziest result of the public’s infatuation with pot. Some yoga classes are adding new meaning to the idea of “higher” consciousness by combining yoga postures with pot smoking. I call this a “bring your bong to yoga” craze. Sone yoga groups call this practice “bend and blaze.” They advertise a “higher yoga experience,” and mean that literally. Other groups say that stoners doing downward dog are having expanded socialization while high. Some groups call their classes 420 yoga, 420 being slang for weed.

As any truthful yoga instructor knows, yoga and marijuana go back thousands of years in Hinduism. Weed, known in India as ganja, is believed to be a way of speaking with the Hindu gods, particularly the demon-deity Shiva. Those who watch our YouTube exorcism channel have seen me cast out many Shiva demons from weed users. Will the Christian proponents of so-called “holy yoga” now add marijuana for “holy high yoga?” If you bring your bong to yoga, you’re in danger of double trouble, demons from yoga postures and demons from marijuana intoxication.