Month: April 2020

Demons and the End of the World

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. 1 Timothy 4:1 NKJV

This is a very misunderstood scripture. Here is what we clearly know from these words of Paul:

·        This message came by the Holy Spirit, not human conjecture.

·        This condition is a signal sign of the Rapture and the end of the world.

This great deception that occurs just before the return of Christ will be made possible because many Christians will base their faith on experience and feelings, not sound doctrine. Paul isn’t saying the latter days will be a time of NO doctrine. There will be doctrine, but it will be BAD doctrine.

Based on my experience as an exorcist, I will tell you the demons that will energize these deceptions. My message “Demons that Deny the Rapture” also posted on our YouTube Exorcism channel list 5 major demons associated with end times lies that some in the church will believe. I’ll mention two prominent ones here:

  1. JEZEBEL—We already know from Revelation chapter 2 that this spirit in the church promotes occult practices and sexual immorality. I’m speaking of churches which embrace sexual perversion and encourage new age practices such as yoga, enneagrams, energy healing and such.
  2. LEVIATHAN AND KUNDALINI—These are the serpent spirits of spiritual pride and false spirituality, thinking that demonic manifestations are spiritual experiences. Churches which don’t believe in deliverance and say that Christians can’t have demons are especially susceptible to this deception.

One thing which the devil, Lucifer, doesn’t want us to believe, is that Christians will be “caught up,” taken away by the suddenness of His coming. Satan wants to take Matthew 24:44 and change “in such as hour as ye think not” into “it ain’t gonna happen anyway.” But the voice of the archangel and the trump of God will silence that argument once and for all. Be ready. Don’t miss it.

Prophetic Word: When Quarantine Will End

I have a prophetic word from the Lord. I use those words carefully. These days there is far too much indiscriminate usage of the word “prophetic.” It is often an adjective to describe nothing more than an inspirational utterance, often a restating of what Scripture has already declared. Occasionally, it is no more insightful than what any well-informed person would already know from cable news and various web sites. But what’s also prophetic is more than statements of prediction but also words of compulsion, powerful insights, and the urgent stating of a biblical mandate. Prophetic words may reference God’s dealings with humanity in the past, projected into the future. That’s where my prophetic word from the Lord comes in.

Throughout the Old Testament, God used plagues, natural disasters, and atmospheric phenomena to bring judgment and turn people back to Himself. In 2 Chronicles 7:13 the Lord declares that he can withhold rain (Australia’s recent drought and devastating wildfires?), send swarms of locusts (Billions of locusts are currently ravaging East Africa.), and send pestilence among my people (Coronavirus.). It may be argued that this was the way an Old Testament God dealt specifically with the nation of Israel. But Romans 11:19-24 clearly states that Christians of the New Covenant are grafted into the vine of God by faith in Christ the Messiah.  

Whatever date the government sets for the ending of a physical quarantine, COVID-19 is God’s warning of judgment on America for departing from our Judeo-Christian foundation. Deuteronomy 28:21 declares that rebellion against God brings a “clinging plague.” Even now we’re being warned that after the worst passes there may be additional waves of coronavirus—it will cling to us!  America may eventually get back to work, but until we get back to God, we’ll not end the spiritual quarantine of COVID-19. That’s my prophetic word.*

*Next week, more specific information about this prophetic word from God concerning the continuing effect of COVID-19 even after social distancing has been lifted.  

COVID and the Rapture

The return of Christ to earth, often called the Second Coming. Some refer to it as the rapture, the secret catching away of Christians as celebrated in books like “Left Behind.” But when and how this is to happen has been a source of dispute for 2,000 years of church history. Acts 1:11 says “this same Jesus” will come as the disciplines saw him go, received into the clouds of glory.  But “When?” is the question that divides so many.

In the Olivet discourse of Matthew chapter 24, Christ responded to the disciples who wanted to know when He would return and when the end of the world would occur. Christ referred to many things which would occur before the end. In verse 7, King James Version, “pestilence” is listed as the “beginning of sorrows,” “birth pangs” as several translations have it.  Pestilence means “plague” which refers to a contagious disease, a fatal epidemic. Forty-six verses in the Bible refer to such diseases from Exodus 9:15 onward. But what’s unique about COVID-19 is that this virus is the first truly worldwide example of what is spoken of in Mathew 24:7. That should catch our attention.

The timing of Christ’s return is divided into perspectives on when the “Rapture,” the catching away of the Church, will take place. The “Great Tribulation” referred to in Matt 24:21 is commonly understood to be a seven-year period of suffering on the earth, intensified in the second half of that time frame. Historically Christians have differed as to the coming of Christ in relationship to the Tribulation — before it happens, in the middle of it, or at the end. Current evangelical Bible scholars generally believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, though that consensus isn’t unanimous.

COVID-19 is a pestilence for certain. It is not what we might call the “great pestilence” of the seven plagues of Rev. 15:6. What we have now is a warning, a foreshadowing, a precursor, a trial run. Birth pangs. It’s a testing of the devil to see how humanity will respond to a pestilence. It’s a scrimmage in anticipation of the real game of life at the end of time. To those who aren’t Christians, and those who are backslidden, it is a warning. The end is near, the rapture is soon, and the coming of Christ is at hand. Get ready, get saved, and get delivered to be prepared for what befalls the human race between now and His return in the clouds of glory.

Bat Demon COVID Curse

Coronavirus. Where did it come from? How did it start? The way it metastasizes so quickly—is it a curse to destroy civilization? Does its origin allow demons to kill and destroy? Let me be clear. COVID-19 is a virus. It is a disease. We should do everything possible scientifically to stop its spread and find a cure. To suggest that it was originally spawned because of superstitious beliefs rooted in witchcraft doesn’t negate the fact that it is a real pathogen that can be medically treated. 

Here’s what we do know. This killing disease began in Wuhan, China in so-called “wet markets.” This term refers to open air markets where live caged animals are slaughtered on the spot for customers. This includes dogs, kittens, koalas, lizards, snakes, rabbits, birds, and bats. Especially bats, which some researchers believe were the prime carriers of this virus. The adjective “wet” refers to the brutal killing of these animals, on the spot, in the markets, which results in fresh blood splattered everywhere. The blood is periodically washed away with water, hence the term “wet market.” Wet market animals apparently are carriers of the coronavirus, which can easilty transfer to humans.

An article published in the prestigious British medical journal “Lancet” stated: “Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that bats might be the original host of this virus, an animal sold at the seafood market in Wuhan, and might represent an intermediate host facilitating the emergence of the virus in humans.” Bats have also been medically identified as the possible source of the SARS epidemic in 2017 and the African Ebola plague. 

Why do people in Wuhan eat bats? In Chinese occult, folklore beliefs, bats are thought to be a good omen. Bats are important to the Chinese Taoist belief in the yin (female) and yang (male) of all life. The bat is the male principle and the fruit it pollinates is the female fertility symbol. Ancient Chinese emperors had bats painted on their robes for good luck. In Feng Shui (Chinese divination regarding the physical placement of objects, buildings, and furniture) bats are symbols of wealth. 

A Feng Shui master explains the importance of bats this way: “The bat is sometimes depicted biting a golden coin and this plaque is enhanced by a mystic knot and red tassel. It is hung normally at the main door or any chi (universal life energy) entry points in order to invite wealth, health, good fortune and natural death at a ripe age. The bats can be hung in the West or Northwest to activate luck for important people. You can also place them in your living room, library, reading room, bedroom, kitchen, dining and business premise. Hang them on the outside of your door and window to ward off disease.” 

The path of these occult curses from Chinese wet markets now leads to American cities and hospital ventilator rooms. We need the best medical science available to fight back, and we need prayer to drive out the bat demons whose worship may have started the whole thing in the first place.