Month: January 2019

Exorcism Excess

Last year, a Dallas jury, sentenced a Hispanic, female minister to 99 years in prison for starving to death a small child in an exorcism gone wrong. Pastor Aracely Meza tortured a little boy named Benjamin to drive out his demons. Meza claimed the little boy had the demon of manipulation and starved the youngster, not allowing him to eat for 21 days until he was skin and bones. Meza eventually stopped the fast, but it was too late, and the child died from malnutrition. The baby wasn’t even hers. The boy belonged to a congregant from whom Meza had forcefully taken the victim.    

What are we to make of this? Religious devotion over the line? A mentally ill pastor exercising unreasonable authority over a family in her church? A legitimate attempt at deliverance gotten out of hand? A demonic act in the name of ridding demons?   

Perhaps what happened is a little of each. But the real problem may be the lack of established boundaries of ethical practices in ministry, which leads to dangerous assumptions about how to drive out the devil. Occasionally stories hit the press of other exorcisms gone wrong. Children beaten to death. Lye poured down the throats of victims to exorcise evil. And starvation techniques, like this Texas tragedy.   

We can blame pastor Meza or other misguided souls who are used by the devil to drive out devils. But perhaps there’s one more place to put blame: the failure of Christian leaders to speak openly and rationally about deliverance has created a moral vacuum which mentally deranged, self-styled exorcists exploit. When there is no theologically articulated standard of understanding about exorcism, false and distorted ideas of deliverance flourish, whether in Hollywood movies or cultic churches. Spiritually and psychologically sound measures of what constitutes legitimate demonic confrontation must be articulated so that distortions of deliverance do not result; otherwise, innocent victims may suffer. That’s why we established the International School of Exorcism, the public proclamation of a credible approach to casting out demons. By God’s grace we’ve set a standard by which inner healing, deliverance, and exorcism can be responsibly measured. Enroll today and learn the safe boundaries of spiritual warfare and avoid exorcism excesses.    

An encouraging word: RESPECT OLD BOUNDARIES  

There is some good advice in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 19:14): Do not move your neighbor’s boundary stone set up by your predecessors in the inheritance you receive in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess. I have some advice for youth, based on age and experience: Be careful what you disregard from previous generations. In this high-tech time there is a bit of cultural arrogance about dismissing the past as irrelevant. It has seeped into the church and extends to worship styles, behavioral standards, and theology. Don’t too casually dismiss the old boundaries. They may have been there for a good reason you can’t yet comprehend.

Encounter Alert!

February 4, Monday, next week, the suggested donation amount for Personal Spiritual Encounters will increase. This Friday will be last day you’ll be able to schedule a one-on-one session with Dr. Bob Larson for the current donation amount. (Skype and phone Encounter donations will also increase February 4, except for extended two-hour sessions.) 
 Go online (click here) or call 303-980-1511 NOW to avoid these increases.  
For more than three years we’ve avoided raising the suggested donation amount. Now, with the booming economy and costs rising (travel, hotel and meeting rooms, administration etc.) we have no choice.  
Donations for Personal Encounters at our Phoenix ministry center will remain the same. You may consider flying or driving to our beautiful facilities in the Scottsdale area, just 30 minutes from the airport.  
Special arrangements are available for veterans and active military, those in full-time ministry, and International School of Exorcism alumni. There is no increase now for those seeking full or half-day Intensives. Special donation amounts are available for Two-hour Marriage Encounters and two-hour Freedom from Addiction Encounters. Previous Encounter individuals will be given special consideration. Call for details. 
Thank you for understanding these increases so we may maintain the financial integrity of our ministry and remain stable for the challenges before us. Please pray for all our needs to be met so that we may continue bringing hope for the hurting and healing to the brokenhearted.
For your personal encounter, click here. 
For a SKYPE Encounter, click here. 
To give your best gift, click here 
You can always call 303-980-1511. 
To enroll in our School of Exorcism, click here. 
To enroll in our Advanced Academy, click here


They Came From Everywhere!

Our most recent seminar was in Atlanta (skyline above). An overflow crowd attended, our biggest in years. A young woman named Jennie flew all the way from Chicago to receive deliverance that night. For three days before and after the seminar, our schedule was over-booked with Personal Spiritual Encounters. I was deeply touched by the sacrifices made by so many to travel all the way to Atlanta.
For example, one couple drove 10 hours one-way from Illinois. Another couple drove 8 hours from Florida. Yet another flew all the way from Wisconsin. Still another came from far-away Rhode Island. Three different individuals drove 13 hours one-way from the Baltimore /D. C. area! The willingness for so many to come so far to be set free demonstrates their spiritual hunger.
Each of these individuals received a miracle from the Lord. Demons were cast out. Lives were changed. Marriages were healed. Jesus was victorious in every Encounter.
Wherever you are, don’t let distance keep you from the freedom you deserve in Christ. Contact us today for YOUR one-on-one Personal Spiritual Encounter. Or arrange for a Skype Encounter via computer or cell phone. The next life-changing miracle can be yours.
For those who missed their encounter in Atlanta, we’re returning  
February 26-27. Book quickly before these dates are gone.  
For your personal encounter, click here
For a SKYPE Encounter, click here
To give your best gift, click here.  
You can always call 303-980-1511. 
To enroll in our School of Exorcism, click here
To enroll in our Advanced Academy, click here

What is Spiritual Warfare?

What is spiritual warfare? It is many things to many people who believe in a spiritual world. Here are some categories of religious belief and my view of their perspectives on spiritual warfare.

New Agers—Combating negative energy from emotionally psychic vampires.

Calvinists—Doing nothing to battle evil because, for the elect of God, Satan has already been defeated.

Charismatics—Proclaiming “prophetic words” without attempting to engage evil.

Neo-Charismatics—Soaking in prayer to avoid actual demonic engagement.

Fundamentalists—Erecting barriers of behavior to keep the saints safe.

Megachurch ministries—Evoking pleasant platitudes to existentially ignore spiritual bondage.

Liturgical communions—Finding safety in structure as a bulwark against spiritual uncertainty.

Catholics—Thinking an extra “Hail Mary” will take care of things.

International School of Exorcism alumni–Active spiritual engagement with the devil and his demons in confrontational combat.

You can’t engage in spiritual warfare unless:

You believe that Christians can have demons. How can you fight to rid a believer of spiritual attack unless you believe that the enemy can infiltrate the camp?

You are prepared to get down and dirty with the devil. War is hell. It is combat, conflict, and bold, engagement. It can be messy and strenuous.

You are sold out and all-in. The soldiers who win wars charge without fear of defeat and no thought of retreat.

You believe in actual demons who are active everywhere, every day. Evil spirits are relentless in their efforts to torment the people of God.

You accept the importance and necessity of exorcism to rid souls of invaded evil. In most cases interrogative engagement with demons is necessary to liberate the oppressed.

Real spiritual warfare is prayer and perseverance, fasting and faith. It requires knowing the Word, recognizing spiritual authority, and directly engaging the devil with inner healing, deliverance, and exorcism. It often demands demonic manifestations to get at the root of evil. Anything less may be spiritually helpful and hopeful, but it isn’t spiritual warfare. The Warrior of Christ who engages in spiritual warfare is combat ready, armed and dangerous, and prepared for confrontation with evil, without giving quarter or flinching in battle. Spiritual warfare is prayerfully facing real demons with all their malignancy and conquering them with a bold display of God’s power that puts them to an open shame. As Colossians 2:15 says, “Having disarmed principalities and power, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.”

An encouraging word: THE REAL WONDER OF HIS LOVE

If King David were alive today, he’d love to see deliverance. “Show the wonder of your great love,” he said in Psalm 17:7. Every time I see the devil defeated and cast to the Pit of Hell, I see God’s love in action. Every deliverance is a “wonder.” David wanted God to show his power, His awesomeness. Too many Christians today are content to put the Almighty on display for an hour a week, carefully choreographed, and suitably respectable. But like David, I want more than that. I want to see the wonder of who the Lord is, and His love in action by setting the captives free.

Bob Larson talks with NPR about satanic music.

Your prayers and support reach millions in ways others cannot.
January 18 on National Public Radio bob-larson-talks-with-npr-about-satanic-music

America’s most listened-to radio show with nearly 5 million listeners.

Informative talk about demons, spiritual warfare, and satanic metal music. bob-larson-talks-with-npr-about-satanic-music
Hear the never-before-told story of Bob’s epic tour with the world’s #1 satanic band. bob-larson-talks-with-npr-about-satanic-music
Podcast/App Listening:
Friday 1/18/19; find a station near you:
Phoenix, AZ radio: KJZZ 91.5 Sat. 1/19/19:
Don’t Miss! January 18 on National Public Radio

SLAYER’s Final Tour

For more than three decades they’ve claimed the title of the world’s most satanic band. Now, the death-metal musicians of Slayer are finally calling it quits. After years of extolling the pleasures of uninhibited demonism and hedonism, their thrashing guitars are going silent. At least that’s what their publicity says about their “final world tour.” No more will audiences thrust satanic salutes in the air and head-bang to lyrics such as:

“I feel the need to F*** this sinful corpse, the b****’s soul raped in demonic lust” – Necrophiliac

“Crucify bastard son, suffocation, strangulation.” – Silent Scream

“Slaves to my torments, pleasure in inflicting pain.” – Sex, Murder, Art

“F*** your God, erase his name.” – Jihad

“Learn the sacred word of praise, hail Satan.” – Altar of Sacrifice

Spare me artistic arguments about poetic flourishes contained in such lyrics. For Slayer, the purpose has always been to shock, intimidate, and push the boundaries of obscenity and decency as far as they could with song titles like “Spill the Blood,” “Vices,” “Death’s Head,” “Deviance,” “Love to Hate,” and “God Hates Us All.” War, sacrilege, sin, Satan, serial killers, murder – no tunes of falling in love or sentiments of romantic emotion.

It’s hard to believe that 30 years ago I toured with this band for a week in Germany. I was commissioned to write an article for the rock magazine, SPIN. I was there on the bus, in the concerts, back stage, in the audience watching thousands of disaffected youth, mostly high on drugs, professing allegiance to the band, performing in front of a massive upside-down cross. Was all this evil satanic stuff an act or for real? This week, National Public radio features an exclusive interview with me looking back at those days and what death metal music has done to the minds and morals of American’s youth. You can listen to the interview live by consulting: You can also check out the podcast anytime at:

Slayer’s career as satanic musicians may be over, but my calling from Christ is going stronger than ever with no end in sight. They’re on the highway to hell, and I, by God’s grace, am on my way to heaven with life getting better every day. Theological arguments aside, doesn’t that say something? One member of the band is dead. Another, no idea where he is, but he was the biggest druggie of all. The rest don’t look like life has been good to them. Me? I’m doing great. Healthy. Surrounded by loving family and friends. Still reaching souls for the Lord. Jesus makes all the difference.

An encouraging word: PERSECUTION

“All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (1 Tim 3:12). We’ve forgotten that in America. But Christians around the world know better. Our feel-good, seeker-friendly kind of Christianity tends to emphasize positive superlatives more than calls to boldness and sacrifice. But opposition from evil has to be faced as part of being a Believer. If you aren’t encountering any opposition to your faith, maybe you aren’t much of a threat to the devil. Persecution because you have odd religious practices doesn’t quality. But persecution from genuine godliness is a badge of honor to wear quietly and humbly.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

America’s Drug Crisis is Out of Control

If you or your family are victims, we can help. 
Rehabilitation and recovery programs may help, but without Jesus AND EXORCISM, long-term freedom may not last. To get free and stay free requires deliverance!
Here’s what I’ve found about addictions in 40+ years of counseling ministry:
  • Addictions are influenced by ancestral, generational bloodlines.
  • Most addicts come from alcohol or drug dependent families.
  • The demonic root of addiction must be removed.
For 2019, we’re launching special Addiction Encounters, interventions that emphasize the spiritual cause and cure of addictions. Our approach is based on five principles: 
  1. Overcoming addiction means taking responsibility for sinful choices.
  2. Freedom requires uncovering the generational curses driving addictions.
  3. Accountability to church, family, and friends is part of the solution.
  4. Attention to behavioral healing is crucial for long term stability.
  5. Casting out the demons driving the addiction is necessary in many cases.
If you or someone you know is bound by addiction, don’t waste more time on solutions that don’t work because they don’t face the real problem – sin and Satan. 
Call now 303-980-1511!

Addiction IS Your Fault

For weeks, the ad above (specific contact information removed) has appeared in major newspapers. Saying that “ADDICTION IS NOT YOUR FAULT” is dangerous because it connotes an underlying assumption. If you’re an addict, don’t blame yourself. I agree that shaming people won’t necessarily help them overcome an addiction. They’re already shamed by their dependency and heaping more guilt on them won’t help. But completely letting them off the hook by suggesting the addict bears no blame for his condition is going a bit too far. Here are the facts: In 2017 there were 72,000 overdose deaths in America. Opioids were responsible for 68% of those deaths; 11.4 million Americans misuse pain medication; nearly a million people use heroin.
Of those who see us for Personal Spiritual Encounters, most battle an addiction – drugs, alcohol, sex, or gambling. Often, that root is demonic. I’m all for the good work that various recovery programs provide, but without Jesus AND EXORCISM, the recidivism rate is shocking. To get free and stay free of addictions requires a spiritual solution that usually involves hard-core deliverance.
Here’s what I’ve found about addictions in 40+ years of counseling ministry:
  • Addictions are influenced by ancestral, generational bloodlines.
  • Most addicts come from alcohol or drug dependent families.
  • The demonic root of addiction must be removed.
Addiction dependency is influenced by character flaws, family dynamics, bad choices, and generational curses. These issues must be faced, or the addiction won’t be conquered. Telling people that addiction isn’t their fault only helps short term. Getting to the demonic roots of generational evil removes the underlying causes of addiction at the core. If a demon is driving the addiction, no amount of rehabilitation will be successful for long.
For 2019, we’re launching special Addiction Encounters, interventions that emphasize the spiritual cause and cure of addictions. Our approach is based on five principles:
  1. Overcoming addiction means taking responsibility for sinful choices.
  2. Freedom requires uncovering the generational curses driving addictions.
  3. Accountability to church, family, and friends is part of the solution.
  4. Attention to behavioral healing is crucial for long term stability.
  5. Casting out the demons driving the addiction is necessary in many cases.
If you or someone you know is bound by addiction, don’t waste more time on solutions that don’t work because they don’t face the real problem – sin and Satan.
Call now 303-980-1511!
An encouraging word: BOW BEFORE HIM NOW
In our age of moral chaos and rampant evil it’s difficult to consider the words of Psalm 22:27: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord.” Really? All the earth turning to the Lord? It seems impossible, but one day everyone from every nation will bow before Christ. Some will bow willingly in worship. Others, especially the ungodly, will bow in submission. They will have no choice. Whether you are a Believer or a sinner, today is the day of salvation. Bow before the Lord of glory while you may still do so humbly and receive His love and forgiveness.