Advanced Academy of Deliverance is Here


The royal wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is history. More than one billion watched the pomp and circumstance of the most anticipated exchange of marital vows in decades. Now that this grand affair is over, the happy couple are on their way to wedded bliss, or at least that’s the expectation. Who wouldn’t want to wish them well? But once the honeymoon is over, Meghan and Harry will have more to worry about than dodging paparazzi. Meghan has inherited curses that lurk behind the obvious affection that she has for Harry.
Her parents, Tom and Doria, were married December 23, 1979, not in a church, but in the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) temple in Los Angles. The ceremony was presided over by a Buddhist priest by the name of Bhaktananda, which means “bliss through devotion” [in this case devotion to Kriya Yoga]. To 99% of the public that’s an eccentric fact, but to readers of my book “Larson’s Book of World Religions,” there is a different perspective. The SRF, founded by Hindu guru Paramahansa Yogananda, was the first major Hindu religious sect to take hold in America in the early 20th century. Yogananda taught “cosmic consciousness” by means of Kriya Yoga, as I point out in my book. I have dealt with many people who’ve practiced Kriya Yoga and can attest that it’s one of the most demonized forms of Eastern metaphysical practices. It focuses on raising the serpent Kundalini power through six spinal chakras to achieve “god-communion.” According to Yogananda, it was the Hindu god Krishna who gave this divine, secret mystery to Christ. Take note, Meghan’s mom, Doria Ragland, is still today a devout yoga teacher, and Meghan is also devoted to the practice. Take it from me, as an exorcist, demons acquired by Kriya Yoga are some of the most difficult to dislodge.
Such guilt by association doesn’t mean that Meghan shares the same idolatrous devotion as her mom; but even if she doesn’t, she’s still influenced by the same demonic forces that her mother has colluded with (perhaps innocently) for decades. The curses of Kriya Yoga that came upon her mother, must have passed on to daughter to some extent. This doesn’t make her a bad or evil person. She’s likely clueless about what I’ve described in this blog, and probably sees no incompatibility between yoga, her mom’s religion, and her newly acquired Church of England faith. But the following words, quoted Yogananda, from my “World Religions” book, are worth noting: “Self-Realization Fellowship is a truer message of Christianity. It is only by removing hate from our hearts [by Kriya Yoga] that we can live a Christlike life.” That blasphemy is a dangerous idea to associate with, even if it’s not your own and it’s your mother’s. May God send someone to speak truth to Meghan and Harry so that the curses of Yogananda don’t prevent them from living happily ever after.
An Encouraging word: God’s Word is Forever
“The grass withers, the flower fades . . . but the word of our God stands forever.” These words of Isaiah 40:7-8 are significant to me today, because the date of this published blog is my birthday. With passing years, especially beyond middle age, one becomes more aware of this scripture. As the years of opportunity lessen, what’s done for Jesus matters more. Whatever human efforts one makes in life to do something lasting, the passing years prove that it is only God’s Word that endures. But more important, it is eternal. Ask yourself today if what you’re doing will wither like the flowers or count for eternity.
By the time you read this, the lava flows, eruptions, and ash plumes from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano may have caused even more damage than as of this date. The destruction from Kilauea has Lasted more than two weeks and displaced thousands of people. Fountains of magma are exploding “lava bombs” 100 feet into the air. Cars and homes have been engulfed by lava that crushes anything in its path. Plus, high levels of sulfur dioxide are threatening anyone who gets too near. Multiple solutions to the destruction have been offered including, flooding or bombing the lava.
In the face of such inexorable devastation, some in Hawaii are reverting to an ancient solution. Like the original inhabitants of Hawaii, they believe that the volcano is a living goddess named Pele. Make Pele happy and the volcano dies down. In ancient times Pele would have been propitiated by throwing a virgin into the volcano’s cauldron. But since human sacrifice would now be considered murder, believers in Pele have been laying flowers and alcohol, especially vodka, wherever they find volcanic cracks in the ground. One of them said, “We are at the mercy of Pele. She’s coming back to right the wrongs of humanity. Pele and the lava are one and the same. When she comes, we move because she’s got the right of way.” This idolatrous insanity is so strong that some residents living near Kilauea have said, “I have love and respect for Pelehonuamea (Pele’s full name).”
Pele, goddess of fire and volcanoes is believed to live at the top of Kilauea. According to legend, she’s a jealous goddess who at times unleashes her fury and burns down everything in her way. By legend, she fought with her sister, the water goddess, and seduced her sister’s husband. Her brother, a shark, built a canoe for her to escape. Eventually, she had sex with a native chief, killed her younger sister, and finally murdered her native lover with fire. Sounds like Jezebel to me. I don’t believe that these eruptions are demonic. They are geologic, but those who think that booze will appease the spirit of Jezebel, of whom Pele is an archetype, better get out of the way of the lava. You can’t fight fire with firewater. By offering alcohol to what you think is a goddess, the lava may engulf you and Pele will possess you.
An Encouraging word: THE NAME OF JESUS
Most people when they hear the words of Psalm 8:1 probably think of the perennial praise song that says, “LORD our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” Perhaps more than other, those who do deliverance get a glimpse of that majesty as they witness demons bowing at the name of Jesus. Sometimes I hear evil spirits cry out, “Stop saying that name.” Just the mention of our Lord causes the powers of darkness to tremble in fear. Sadly, in culture it has become a common curse to express anger, disgust, even damning intentions. But never forget, when you are in need that there is majesty and power in the name of Jesus.
A whole new area of deliverance may soon be needed. Students of our School of Exorcism and Advanced Academy of Deliverance know that we already have our hands full helping victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence, alcohol, and recreational drugs. Coming soon, a return to the “turn on, tune in, drop out” saga of the sixties. Neuroscientists, looking for a cure for addictions and stress disorders, think they’ve found a solution. Drop acid (or psilocybin), let a wacko psychologist take you on a guided journey of the soul, and your fears, phobias, and addictions will vanish. You’ll experience “the dissolution of one’s ego followed by a merging of the self with the nature or the universe, a mystical experience [which] can permanently shift a person’s perspective and priorities,” according to a new book entitled “How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression and Transcendence.” And this garbage isn’t coming from some stoner on a street corner with a “Please Feed Me” sign. It’s originating from research at Johns Hopkins, New York University, and UCLA, according to an article in last week’s “Wall Street Journal.”
Many studies into what is called The New Science of Psychedelics” are being explored with U. S. taxpayers’ money, courtesy of the FDA. Reported studies cite experiences with LSD and shrooms to relieve the suffering of cancer patients and get people off cigarettes. Researchers glowingly tell of people experiencing: “flying back in time to witness scenes of European history”; “dying and watching one’s soul rise from a funeral pyre on the Ganges river in India”, and “standing on the edge of the universe, witnessing the dawn of creation.” Those trained by our School of Exorcism can easily identify these experiences as satanic. We’re witnessing the marriage of science and the demonic.
Christians must not be asleep at the wheel on this one. We must speak out against this spiritual insanity. We can’t wait until a huge segment of society has been swept into this deceptive vortex of sorcery. (“Pharmakia,” psychoactive drug indulgence, is translated “sorcery” and “witchcraft” in Gal. 5:20, Rev. 9:21, 18:23, 21:8, and 22:15.) The idea of accessing the supernatural with drugs isn’t new. But today it’s gaining the endorsement of scientists and clinicians. If this new frontier of mind-bending physio-psycho therapy gains traction, we’re going to need many more trained and experienced exorcists. We’ll be working overtime to cast out the demons that the FDA and major universities are inviting to possess the souls of the unsuspecting.
An Encouraging word: DOMINION BELONGS TO GOD
I don’t know about you, but I’m growing weary of politicians and political pundits, on the left and right, who speak as if they alone had the answer to the moral and social ills of our age. They could all use a dose of humility and remember the words of Psalm 22:28: “Dominion belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations.” It’s a bit amusing to watch them strut and speak, like a rooster in a henyard. There will come a day when the kingdoms of this world will all bow before Christ. Don’t look to a person or program for your hope, seek the One who made all that is and has dominion over all.
Two weeks ago, I was just boarding a plane home from Nashville, Tennessee, when the news broke that a shooter had entered a breakfast joint and opened fire. The killer, 29, hailing originally from Illinois, but recently living in Nashville, was eventually caught and arraigned. Much has attention has been deservedly focused on the bravery of James Shaw Jr., who risked his life to wrest away the shooter’s gun and save many additional lives. But now that we know more about Travis Reinking, an alarming fact is clear. Not only was this young man mentally troubled (he was naked except for a jacket when he opened fire), he also came from a born-again Christian family.
Reinking was known to be quiet and respectful. Some of the time he was educated by home-schooling and the rest in a private Christian school. He didn’t drink or use drugs, but mentally he became delusional, even claiming he was going to marry pop star Taylor Swift. He once dived into a public pool wearing only a woman’s nightgown. There were other run-ins with the law, including an attempt to invade White House grounds, but Reinking remained on the loose until the Waffle House murders.
Public reaction was typical. Because the killer used an AR-15 rifle, there were the usual calls for gun control. Which brings me to the point. When will we stop demonizing guns and demonize demons? This young killer would have found any kind of weapon to slaughter, his mind was so twisted, and he was so filled with demons. How do I know he had demons? For a born-again Christian to do something so evil, it requires not only an addled mind, but a soul filled with evil spirits. I don’t know which came first, the mental illness or the demons. It doesn’t matter. As in most cases like this, the two work hand in hand. You know the slogan, “Guns don’t kill, people do.” True. But you don’t have to be an apologetic for the NRA (clarification, I’m not a member), to understand that, “Guns don’t kill, mentally deranged and demonized people do.” At least on this kind of scale.
James Shaw Jr., the hero who stopped further loss of life, was also a Christian. Immediately after being treated for a wound he received in the scuffle with Reinking, he went to church to receive prayer. His bravery saved lives. But if someone had gotten to the killer’s demons before the Waffle House massacre, no one might have died. And that’s the terrible truth that the church in America doesn’t want to face! Blame the guns, blame the sick minds. Just don’t dare suggest that even a born-again believer can have demons and be capable of carnage.
An Encouraging word: WHAT GOD SEES FROM HEAVEN
Psalm 14:2 says, The Lord looks down from heaven . . . to see if there is any who understand, any who seek God. If David asked that question nearly 3,000 years ago, we must wonder what the gaze of God sees today. Our modern inventiveness, from nanotechnology which manipulates matter on an atomic scale, to the wonders of instant anything via the Internet (including porn), has proliferated the ubiquitous availability of evil. I’m certain the Lord sees much today that grieves Him. You and I must, therefore, do our best to live holy lives so that the Lord looking down from heaven sees some who do seek him. Are you such a person?
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