Month: November 2016

Political Witchcraft

Americans have just been through a bruising Presidential election when it seemed that forces beyond the control of either candidate were compelling events. It was almost as if something supernatural were happening, and some self-described “prophets” are taking credit for just that. In reality it was just a long-silent electorate which expressed its will. As Fox News commentator Monica Crowley put it, this was about an “attitudinal” shift in politics. Aside from Nancy Reagan’s courting the predictions of an astrologer to guide hubby Ronnie’s decisions, the occult doesn’t play a huge role in getting elected in the U. S. A. Not so in other counties.

A recent article in “The Economist” pointed out how Asian politicians seek the other-worldly help of prognosticators. Even in North Korea, Party Communists regularly consult fortune tellers. In Thailand, the recent drafting of a constitution was timed by the stars. In China, a powerful leader was convicted of corruption. His sin? Picking a qigong master who testified against him in court. In Burma (Myanmar), the now-deposed dictator destroyed the economy by issuing strange currency in denominations 45 and 90, based on numerological advice.

The “Economist” article ridiculed such goings-on, saying, “There is as little harm in a flutter on the stars as there is on the horses.” The suggestion was that trusting divination is no more consequential than betting on the wrong horse at a race. Not so. Deuteronomy 18:10 calls such deeds of divination an “abomination.” And look at the nations mentioned in the “Economist” article. Their cultures are filled with corruption, moral laxness, and political oppression. They have enjoyed none of the freedoms and flourishing of Christianity as has America. But with today’s assault of the New Age and witchcraft on our culture, we’re headed in a dangerous direction. Per Gallup polls, currently, about 2/3 of Americans believe in psychics, ghosts, witches, and non-Christian spiritual healing. It’s clear that wherever our nation’s political attitude is headed politically, it’s spiritual attitude is going the wrong direction.

An encouraging word: WHO FEARS GOD?

Psalm 25:12 contains a promise we all should heed. It begins with a rhetorical question: “Who is the man who fears the Lord?” The verse continues to declare that God will teach that man His ways. The next verse adds the blessing that such an individual will “dwell in prosperity.” So many all around us try to get ahead in every way so that they can have a good life and acquire lots of money. But material wealth isn’t everything. How much better to fear God and know His ways and walk in them. That brings true peace and happiness.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

Breaking Curses…Breaks Curses

Every other week, our YouTube Exorcism Channel features an episode of ASK THE EXORCIST. (To view this channel CLICK HERE. To subscribe for weekly notifications, CLICK HERE.) I answer all kinds of questions about demons and the devil, the supernatural and the paranormal. Interestingly, most of these questions come from outside the U. S. Like this question from Garrick in Durban, South Africa: “If you are born again and baptized, are generational curses exorcised? This is difficult to comprehend, as we are a new creation in Christ.”

I usually reserve my answers for the bi-weekly edition of ASK THE EXORCIST. But this inquiry is so frequent, I feel the need to respond here. The answer is in the title to this blog: Breaking Curses . . . Breaks Curses. Or, to put it another way, “A curse isn’t broken until it is broken.” My book CURSE BREAKING (To order CLICK HERE.) contains a lengthy treatise on this matter, so the person needing a comprehensive answer needs to consult that deeper treatment. Here are a few basic thoughts on the issue of Christians needing to break generational curses:

  • “A new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17) posits the potential not the possession of broken curses.
  • Deut. 28 indicates that blessings instead of curses are contingent upon obedience.
  • The “precious promises” of 2 Pet. 1:4 are realized by faith, as are broken curses.
  • Romans 10:10 says that salvation requires faith/confession. It’s the same with curses.
  • Curses last until the “third and fourth generation,” a Hebrew idiom for perpetuity.
  • Infant baptism was originally intended as an exorcism to break generational curses*
    *Our International School of Exorcism has detailed teaching on this topic.

There is much more to be said, and it’s all there in CURSE BREAKING. Please read it, Garrick, and you’ll see that a Christian can be saved and yet harbor spiritual oppression because of ancestral iniquities in the form of spiritually negative oppression, sinful predispositions, and unclean predilections. An unbroken curse won’t keep a saved individual from going to heaven, but it may make life like hell on earth!

An encouraging word: BE RENEWED IN YOUR MIND

“Be renewed in the spirit of your mind,” Ephesians 4:23 tells us. Having a renewed mind isn’t something that is a one-time thing. It’s a way of living, a constant awareness of having the mind of Christ. Our mind is our soul, our center of self-awareness and individuate identity. It is our true self. And in this scripture, Paul reminds us to constantly refresh our thoughts with things that come from the Holy Spirit. That means off-limits to a mind consumed with lust, greed, self-importance, and profane thinking. As you think throughout this day, stop from time to time and say a simple prayer: “Lord, give me your thoughts and let them be renewed each moment of this day.”


Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

Cremation and Catholics

Chapter seven of our book CURSE BREAKING has an extensive section on the topic of cremation. (To order CURSE BREAKING CLICK HERE.) I make several salient points about burning bodies as a means of disposing of the dead. Among our criticisms are these:

  • Until recent years, cremation has been primarily practiced by pagans. Christian, Jews, and Muslim have all had strong beliefs in burial of the body.
  • Early Christians forbade cremation and insisted on burial as a testimony to their belief in the resurrection of the body.
  • Cremation is associated with beliefs in reincarnation, that the body must be destroyed to free the soul for transmigration.
  • Having cremation ashes in your presence is having a corpse that you are “touching.” Jewish law forbade touching or being in an enclosed space with a dead body (Ez. 44:25; Lev. 21:11)

For Catholics, the Vatican has now spoken clearly to this issue. Cremation is OK but keep the ashes off the mantel, and don’t scatter them in the ocean. And nix the latest fad of carrying around grandma or your dearly departed aunt Emma in a piece of jewelry. The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued instructions emphasizing that ashes need to be buried in “sacred places.” Though in 1963 the Catholic Church eased restrictions against cremation, the latest rules insist that ashes not be preserved in mementos. More succinctly, the Vatican declares,” By burying the bodies of the faithful, the Church confirms her faith in the resurrection of the body, and intends to show the great dignity of the human body as an integral part of the human person whose body forms part of their identity.” Amen.

I’m not a Catholic, nor am I in complete agreement with the entirety of this instruction; however, at least Catholics have spoken to this matter with more clarity than compromising evangelicals. Get my book on CURSE BREAKING, research this matter thoroughly, and the conclusion will be unmistakable. Bury your loved ones, instruct your remains to be buried, and break the curses of cremation.

An encouraging word: LET GOD EXAMINE YOUR HEART

How many of us can say, as did the psalmist David, “Examine me, Oh Lord.” Imagine a man submitting himself to be scrutinized by the Almighty God of the universe. David is asking the Lord to judge his integrity, his heart, the very essence of his soul. Would you be willing to make that petition to the Lord? We all should be willing to make our lives an open book, not just to the Lord, but to everyone. Remember, the Lord knows all the facts of your heart. He knows your thoughts. And whether you ask Him to examine your heart, He has already done it.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

America Going to Pot

By the time you read this, the verdict will be in on nine states that are currently voting to legalize either medical or recreational marijuana. Whatever the outcome (I’m writing this before the votes), the trend is clear. States where weed is totally legal, such as Washington, Oregon, and Colorado, are warning other states to think twice about joining their purple-hazed ranks. I’m here to warn everyone about the lethal spiritual consequences of making casual use of marijuana more acceptable. Day after day I confront demons that possess people because of pot. Before you cry “alarmist,” look at the facts. In Hinduism, marijuana (ganga) has been used to worship the demon of death and destruction, for thousands of years. I have confronted possessed people who’ve never practiced eastern religions but got Shiva and other Hindu demons, like Kali/Jezebel, by toking a joint. Chinese Taoism has long believed that inhaling marijuana is a way to communicate with spirits and tell fortunes. In pagan, Norse Odinism, pot has been used to invoke Freya (another form of Jezebel), a demon I often deal with when ministering to those of Scandinavian descent. Pot was important to Celtic Druids when practicing witchcraft. Tantric Buddhism employs pot as well as some Sikhism.

There is much which could be said about the practical dangers of pot. It affects most those living in low-income and minority communities. Science shows it lowers IQs in adolescents by several points. It increases risks for schizophrenic and psychotic breaks. I can testify to this mental health danger after counseling hundreds who’ve been mentally damaged by believing the lie that weed can’t hurt you. (Mental breakdowns may also increase susceptibility to demons.) And the pot today is roughly six times stronger than that smoked by the hippies on Haight street. Where pot is already legal, marijuana traffic deaths have doubled in Washington and risen by a third in Colorado.

Want to face challenges in passing drugs test to find a job? Want to risk your brain and your body? Want to increase your chances for a vehicular fatality? Want to join the one in six who become addicted and move on to hard drugs? Want to open the doors to demons and all kinds of demonic deception? Then, light up and zone out. You’ve just willingly opened the door to the devil and bought a one-way ticket to an eventual mental and emotional hell!

An encouraging word: SOWING DISCORD IS EVIL.

Proverbs chapter six lists the seven things God hates most, beginning in verse 16. Living without being in bondage to this list is a path to success in life. Included in this list of infamy are pride, lying, murder, a wicked heart, hurry to do evil, a false witness, and one who sows discord among brethren. Murder seems a likely candidate, but sowing discord? Many who would never kill, destroy with their tongues by speaking things which turn Christians against one another. Examine your heart today to see if you have committed one or more of these evil. Begin now to right the wrong, especially if you have caused strife in the Body of Christ.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.