Month: February 2016

Steinbeck’s Wisdom

I don’t often quote a secular writer as a source of wisdom; in this case John Steinbeck, author of classics such as Of Mice and Men, East of Eden, and The Grapes of Wrath, and winner of the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature. Of his detractors, which there were many when he was alive, he declared, “Time is the only critic without ambition.” As I reflect back on many years of opposition to our ministry of healing and deliverance, I cast an amusing smile of knowing at Steinbeck’s observation. I also want to encourage, by this blog, those who share this calling to cast out demons and set the captives free.

What may be said of those who oppose the deliverance ministry? Think about who they are and what their motives may be. Without ambition? Hardly. Most have a theological axe to grind. They are often self-appointed heresy hunters who’ve never encountered an actual demonic manifestation that they were forced to deal with. They analyze from afar, never getting into the trenches of spiritual warfare. They hide behind their slick Sunday morning presentations, with all the right praise music and theatrical lighting. Nothing wrong with that per se, but the ministry of deliverance isn’t about mass consumption of the gospel in a palatable setting. It means getting down-and-dirty with the devil, relentlessly challenging him on his territory, over hours-weeks-months.

The “ambition,” to quote Steinbeck, of many critics of deliverance is to silence this aspect of ministry because it uncomfortably exposes the shallow, spiritually anemic Christianity of slickly-packaged, mass-marketed American Christianity. We who do deliverance are the thorn under the saddle of those preachers and “prophets” who want to ride comfortably into the sunset to write their next ghost-written best seller, pitch their latest health product or survival edibles, or cavort and consort with godless superstars in the name of relevancy. Such ambitions are exposed for their obvious paucity of true spirituality when compared to the efforts of dedicated deliverance ministers These individuals are often lay people who weep with those who lives have been ravaged by demons. They aggressively confront evil spirits with unflinching boldness. To them I say, soldier-on no matter what the critics say. You only answer to One, your Commander in Chief, who compels you to cast out demons by His authority (Galatians 1:10). Be faithful no matter what others say. “Time” will win out in the end.

An encouraging word: CREATED FOR GOOD WORKS.

What is your purpose in life? God has a plan for each of us individually. But the one purpose we all have is to do “good works” (Ephesians 2:10). That full verse says that we were created “in Christ” for this very purpose. Perhaps you were created with a great talent for music or the arts. God may have destined you for a leadership role in society or the church. God perhaps ordained that you would be successful in commerce or government. Your calling may be to be a pastor or an entrepreneur. But the one thing we all have in common is that God made us to do good and be a blessing to all around us. What is the good God would have you do today?

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

Is It A Curse?

. On our YouTube Exorcism Channel ( we present, from our archives, a selected exorcism every other week. On alternate weeks, we run episodes of “Ask the Exorcist.” Since launching this feature, I’ve been astounded at the diversity of questions and the countries from which our viewers watch. In addition to America and Europe, we regularly get questions from places you might not suspect, such as Egypt, Slovakia, Indonesia, Iran, Macedonia, Croatia, Kula Lumpur, Ethiopia, Slovenia, and India (to name a few). I can’t answer every question, so I pick the ones that best represent what our viewers want to know.

A few days ago I got a question from a viewer in Mauritius, a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, 1,200 miles off the coast of Africa. The inquirer wishes to remain anonymous, but his question is a common one that I get. I felt the answer was so urgently needed that I am responding here, in this blog. The person wonders if his family is under a curse. Family members sometimes speak in odd vocal inflections. One sibling committed suicide, and another becomes uncontrollably violent. Is it a curse?

First I am thrilled that our ministry reaches so many places via the internet, where the gospel might not otherwise penetrate. As to the issue of there being a curse, consider this. I always look at the statistical probability of whether whatever is taking place might be explained as a natural occurrence. Then I look at the severity of the situation. Finally, are the things which are happening supernatural and evil in nature? In this case, there is clearly a curse at work. The entire family needs to do these things: 1) Place complete trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, 2) renounce all known sins of every ancestor and place unknown sins under the blood of Christ, and the 3) command every evil spirit tormenting the family to reveal its spiritual, legal right, and get ready for spiritual warfare. Manifestations may start any time. Don’t be afraid to resist and rebuke these spirits in the Name of Jesus.

It would be helpful for this individual, and all family members, to read my book CURSE BREAKING (To order CLICK HERE.) and to enroll in our International School of Exorcism® (to enroll CLICK HERE.) If any readers of this blog identify with the struggles of our friend in Mauritius, don’t put off contacting us immediately for an Encounter or Skype session. Stop the suffering, break the curses, and walk in the freedom you deserve as a child of God!

An encouraging word: THE HOUSE OF THE LORD FOREVER

Psalm 23 is so beloved because it contains many truths, but we may know its verses so well that we fail to grasp their full meaning. For example, verse six says, “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Most of us have a problem getting through each day, let alone deal with all the challenges of tomorrow. But those who have faith in God can have one matter settled — where they will spend eternity. By having eternity before us resolved, we can put the question of where we’ll spend eternity, behind us. So many things in life are unsettled, but make sure you have determined, by faith in Christ, what home will be yours for eternity.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

Christians With Demons

A friend of mine recently compiled a slightly tongue-in-check list of things to do if a Christian manifests a demon.  My friend, like me, understands that Christians can be demonized and knows exactly what to do in such a situation; but what about the believer who witnesses a full-blown demonic manifestation from a Christian who doesn’t believe that a Christian can have a demon.  What then?  Well, there are several options available.  My friend has given me considerable journalistic license to reword and restate a few of his humble suggestions.   I’ve extensively embellished his original ideas, preserving the same intent, to bring understanding to a very sticky situation.  In my own words the slightly sarcastic options include . . .

  1. Lead the person to Christ, because, if they manifest a demon, they obviously are not a Christian despite their confession and testimony of faith in Jesus.
  2. Regretfully inform them that casting out demons ended with the apostolic age, and thus, demons are allowed to run rampant with no solution to the problem.
  3. Make sure they consider the possibility that they missed the predestination classification and now are an unfortunate member or the “un-elect” who must sovereignly suffer, no matter what they claim to believe.
  4. Instruct them to merely breathe in the Holy Spirit and breathe out the demon quietly as there is no need for any messy manifestations.
  5. Inform the person that because they live in America, where there are no demons (evil spirits reside only in Africa), that they are likely acting out scary memories of having seen “The Exorcist” movie too many times.
  6. Sadly, tell them that the demon is a “thorn in their side” and they are privileged to suffer like the apostle Paul.
  7. Even though the demons can reveal their pet’s name, the street address on which they live, and the secret sins of their past, that what’s happening is all an illusion and they’ll get over it with a good night’s sleep.
  8. Hand the suffering soul a Christian devotional book, a C. S. Lewis novel, and a John MacArthur Bible study, and inform them that reading every page will make the devil go away, if he ever was there in the first place.
  9. If they really think they have devil inside they might perhaps try exercise at a health club, swallow herbal supplements, or try Holy Yoga to overcome tormenting thoughts, overpowering temptations and the feeling they want to commit some horrible sin.
  10. If all the above fails, you could give them Bob Larson’s phone number (that’s me) and suggest a one-on-one Personal Spiritual Encounter. Now that’s a really radical solution that’s out of the box. Who knows, it might actually work.

An encouraging word: DON’T GATHER WITH SINNERS

David makes an interesting statement in Psalm 26:9: “Do not gather my soul with sinners.” Some folks like to hang out with the crowd that breaks the rules and parties the most. They call it fun. But David wants none of it. Perhaps it is because David understood where sinners are headed, to heartache and hell. That’s not how David wants to end his life or spend his days. So, he cries to the Lord to help him to avoid being found with those who reject the moral laws of God. If today you are tempted to go with the flow of the sinners around you, remember David’s prayer and get to church where you can be gathered with those who love the Lord.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

Brain Power

What’s on your mind? At any given moment, whatever you are thinking is a miniscule amount of information compared to what your brain is capable of processing. Recent research at the prestigious Salk Institute has discovered that the human brain is so efficient that it is able to store more than ten times what scientists previously thought. A single synapse can hold 4.7 bits of information, and the entire brain can contain the equivalent of 20 million four-drawer filing cabinets of text! Or, that’s 13.3 years of HD-TV recording. In processing all that potential data the human brain only generates about 20 watts of power, only enough to light a dim household bulb. What this says to evolutionary biologists is self-evident. How arrogant to think that random chance and natural selection somehow designed all this without any outside intervention. It just happened???

But more to my interest as a minister of healing and deliverance. Consider what we call Ancestral Generational Dissociation, explained thoroughly in our International School of Exorcism (To enroll CLICK HERE.) Also, our current YouTube “Ask the Exorcist” episode explains this phenomenon of inherited memories of ancestral, personality alter-ego states. (To view CLICK HERE.) We know now that the human brain is capable of storing and handling unimaginable quantities of information. Compartmentalizing any number of alter identities is no problem for the mind. Not only that but there is plenty of room for the consequences of any number of curses to reside, along with accompanying demons.

Christians should quit thinking of human brain power in one-dimensional terms. Satan knows the potential to embed our mind/emotions/psyche/soul not only with lots of garbage from the present but also a potentially immense amount of spiritual contamination from the past. Christians truly need to pursue the “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16) and also purge the mind of accumulated curses of all forebears, by the blood Christ, in the name of Jesus!

An encouraging word: EVERYONE HAS SIN

The lie of many false cults is that man is divine, and by enlightenment an individual can contact the God within. But 1 John 1:8 reminds us that, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.” The Bible teaches that the heart of man is inherently sinful and in need of spiritual change through the sinless atonement of Christ. Christianity teaches that salvation comes from the grace of God, outside of one’s self. Woe is the man who thinks he isn’t in need of a savior.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.