Month: September 2014

Devil in Detroit?

Tuesday, Sept 9, 2014
Satan as seen by Satanic Temple members.

As if municipal bankruptcy, a jailed mayor, abandoned and burnt-out neighborhoods, and their most famous son being Eminem isn’t bad enough, the stalwart citizens of Detroit now have to contend with Satanist. A New York-based group of Anton Lavey wanna-bes wants to build a temple to Satan in Ted Nugent’s Motor City. This is the same group who are holding that so-called Black Mass in Oklahoma City. Now before you become too concerned, this isn’t exactly a mass movement. Out of the five million or so citizens of the greater metro Detroit area this publicity-seeking sect of satanists only has 20 members. And that’s according to them; and since satanists have no qualms about lying that is probably an inflated figure. More likely it’s a motley crew of a dozen or so malcontents looking for their 15 seconds of fame, generated by the hysteria of concerned Christians. I’m not saying we should take this lightly. If they deceive one soul with their antics and draw even one innocent kid into their ranks, that is one person too many. Still, let’s not get too worked up over this and give them the recognition they are seeking. My advice is to pray for these people; issue calm, non-alarming warnings; then, ignore them as a small band of misfits who need our vitriol to survive. Don’t give them the pleasure of creating collective Christian heartburn.

An encouraging word:  WHAT YOU START, GOD CAN FINISH!

Psalm 138:7-8 (KJV) says, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever.” The word “perfect” in the original language means to “accomplish” or “complete.” When you start down the road to freedom, you sometimes can’t imagine what the end will look like. There may be battles along the way, but if you trust the Lord’s plan and process, He will bring it to completion to accomplish His purpose in your life.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Bernie Madoff Death Curse?

Friday, Sept 5, 2014

There will be no heirs. Wednesday, at the age of just 48, Andrew Madoff died after a long battle with cancer. His brother Mark killed himself at age 46 by hanging in 2010. Bernie Madoff, 76, is still alive, in prison, serving a 150 year term for swindling investors out of billions of dollars. Both brothers said they were not aware of the fraud and neither were ever formally charged. Former Madoff employees claim that the brothers knew what was going on and tried to hide the truth from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Now, the truth will likely never be known. Is there some kind of spiritual connection between these events?  Certainly Mark’s suicide can be traced to the fallout from his father’s thievery. Andrew? Perhaps he just had cancer like millions of other people.

Perhaps not. How uncanny that both died so young and untimely. My speculation goes back beyond the brothers having possibly inherited a curse from their father. I wonder what drove the elder Madoff to do what he did. Bernie is still alive, but spending the rest of his life in prison in infamy, having lost everything he might have held dear, a kind of slow death. If it could be known, there’s some kind of Madoff curse that goes back beyond Bernie. That’s how these things work. From my experience in spiritual warfare, and what I know about curses, someone in the Madoff bloodline, maybe way back, did something terrible. It may or may not have been stealing, but it was bad enough to reap a terrible toll on two very rich young men, and their families. With this dramatic example in mind of what curses can do, make sure that you, my blog reader, are doing all you can to break your curses. Read my book CURSE BREAKING. (To order CLICK HERE.) Call my office, 303-980-1511, and meet me for a Personal Spiritual Encounter as soon as you can in some city where I will be. Together, we can break any curses that may keep you in poverty, sickness, and suffering.

An encouraging word:  PASSING ON EVIL

When Israel transgressed against the Lord, the effect of their cursed conduct was far-reaching. The prophet Jeremiah said (Jer. 1:9) that God would bring “charges” against not only those who had disobeyed; the Lord also said “I will bring charges against your children’s children.” Some Christians who have a hard time accepting the idea of generational curses, need to read their Bibles again. The principle of suffering being passed on to successive generations of offspring is well-established in Scripture. Even Shakespeare said, in Julius Caesar, Act 3, “The evil that men do lives after them.”

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online



Granny’s Having a Baby?

Thursday, Sept 4, 2014


Having a baby — 46 years age difference!



In our world of increasing sexual options, who knows what’s next? This may be it. And it’s off the charts. A 72-year-old grandmother, Pearl Carter, is having a baby by using a surrogate mother. Weird but legal. What makes this story even stranger is that the father is Pearl’s 26-year-old grandson, Phil. If you missed this story, it’s bizarre. Pearl put her daughter Lynette up for adoption when she was 18. (It would be interesting to know why, but Lynette was likely illegitimate.) When Phil’s mother Lynette died, he looked up long, lost grandma. Presto, the two fell in love. Not just “like,” love — sexual love.

Says Phil, “I’ve always been attracted to older women.” Yeah, Phil, really older. Like 2.77 times your age. Using her pension funds, Peal spent $54,000 to have Phil’s sperm implanted in a child-bearing woman named Roxanne. And she’s 30, still older than Phil. Meanwhile, Phil is head over heels, incestuously in love with grandma. As for Pearl, she says “God’s given me a second chance.”

I’m shaking my head too. Where do we start to understand this depraved coupling? This is worse than the prohibition of Leviticus chapter 18 regarding a man having sex with his mother. That brought the death penalty in ancient Israel. This is not mom, but grandmom. Just think of all the curses at work here on the poor, innocent child to be born. Illegitimacy, rejection, incest, fornication, perversion, abomination; take your pick, and I’m sure lots of demons have. As to a God-given “second chance,” what about the baby who will enter life full of demons and cursed to suffer the consequences of this forbidden love?

An encouraging word:  CONSIDER

Much has been said about David’s description of God’s creative genius that fashioned the heavens, spoken of in Psalm 8:3; but I’d like to focus on the first three words of that Psalm: “When I consider.” Consider. That’s what too few do today. They rush pell-mell on in life from one thing to another without stopping to consider. That’s a spiritual art. Today, stop for a moment to consider. Consider the love of family. The kindness of a friend. The beauty of the world around you. A blessings God has given. Most of all, consider that God so-loved the world He gave His son to save you.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online



Drugs, Demons, and Now Jesus!

Wednesday, Sept 3, 2014


Perhaps the most dramatic deliverance of our entire Ukraine School of Exorcism mission took place during the very last meeting. I should have known my work was cut out for me when a woman named Ina assaulted me, drew blood and knocked my Bible, cross, and microphone from my hand. “I hate you,” the demon screamed over and over.” Like the woman at the well in the Bible, Ina already had gone through four husbands and was only 40-years-old with three children and one grandchild. In the midst of the chaos, I stopped and ministered inner healing for her life of pain and addictions. She was in rehab for drugs, but had never accepted the Lord. So, in the midst of the battle I led her in a sinner’s prayer. Then I had her break a 10 generation curse of blood sacrifice. With the power of the demons broken, the final stages of the exorcism, though still very physical, were far less combative. Her freedom won, Ina posed with the Cross of Deliverance and a big smile of liberation.

An encouraging word:  THE GLORY AND HONOR OF MAN

“You have made him a little lower than the angels,” David of God creating man (Psalm 8:5). David seemed amazed that out of all the immensity of the universe, Jehovah seemed more concerned about his seemingly less significant creative miracle, man. Perhaps that’s because humans had what nothing else in creation had: the power to make choices. What’s more, God crowned you and me with “glory and honor.” No wonder the devil hates us so much. Today, live up to your created expectation. If you are tempted to feel discouraged, remember you’re almost an angel, and full of glory and honor. God said so.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online
