Month: September 2014

Worshiping Satan in Prison?

Friday, Sept 26, 2014


Some things sound silly. So ridiculous there ought to be no debate about the merits. But in our present upside-down world, unfortunately, logic often gets turned on its head. Witness the case of Bernard Pritchard, serving time in a New Mexico state prison. Pritchard was sentenced for aggravated stalking charges. As a danger to the public, found guilty in a court of law, he has nevertheless filed a lawsuit in state court demanding that he allowed to follow his religion behind bars. Not only that, he alleges $140,000 in damages because of unspecified limits upon his rights to worship. His religion? Satanism. He worships the devil and demands that taxpayers facilitate his right to do so and cough up a large sum of money because he was supposedly denied his “rights.”

Here’s the logic. It’s the devil who drove him to dangerous criminal activity, and now Prichard wants the public to pay for his desire to worship the devil whose influence put him behind bars in the first place. Before you laugh, I make a prediction. In today’s climate of liberalism and moral relativism, he’ll get at least some of that $140K and special arrangements will be made allowing him to do exactly as he wishes. And if he wants to sacrifice an animal or be provided a chalice to drink someone’s blood, he’ll likely get that too. Americans must soon decide whether as a nation we’ll continue to accommodate whatever moral and spiritual craziness comes our way, all in the name of equanimity and fairness. I wonder what the individual he stalked and terrorized thinks of all of this. If Pritchard doesn’t like the prisons of America and feels discriminated against, he should be offered the alternative to live in the so-called caliphate of ISIL. A one-way ticket to Syria would be cheaper than $140,000.


An encouraging word:  GOD IS JUST

Perhaps, like me, you get a little tired of ignorant and angry people blaming God for all that goes on in the world. False religions and corrupt regimes lead to poverty and starvation, yet many ask why God lets it happen. Suffering and injustice are also blamed on God, as if He deliberately stands back and does nothing. Free will and sin are ignored in favor of pushing all the responsibility on the Almighty. Isaiah reminds us that “the Lord longs to be gracious to you . . . for the Lord is a God of justice” (Isaiah 30:18). Things would be different if some spent less time accusing God and more time reading His Word.  

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

Friday, Sept 26, 2014

An encouraging word:  GOD’S JUSTICE

Few things are clearer in Scripture than the attribute of God regarding justice. As King David expressed it, “The Lord is known by His justice” (Psalm 9:16). It is the Lord’s omniscience that allows Him alone to execute perfect justness. He knows everything. What happened and what is truly happening. He knows what each person did, why they did it, when they did it, and the consequences of their actions. When God rules from the courts of Heaven, there can be no doubt that His verdict is spiritually lawful and equitable. No human courtroom or individual can make that claim. Instead of humanity questioning the justice of God, mankind would be better served by bowing before the Eternal Magistrate.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Internet Evil!

Thursday, Sept 25, 2014

Big Brother may not be watching, but his Little Brother is, a.k.a. THE INTERNET. Obviously, not all of the Internet is bad, but the potential for great harm is there. A recent article in the international journal The Economist detailed some aspects of the “brave, new world” of internet commerce that are chilling. The data breach at Target aside, the loss of personal freedoms, and the ability to track anyone, anywhere, anytime is way out of hand. According the article:

  • Americans spend more than 12 hours a day consuming media and web media is half of that.
  • 1.7 billion people have smartphones and the number is rapidly rising.
  • More and more people are volunteering more and more information about themselves without realizing the consequences.
  • Advertisers (and God knows who else) are able to identify over 100 data points (confidential pieces of information) about any selected individual via mobile phones, including where you are, what you buy, when you buy, and why you buy it.
  • By your giving any site access to personal information, you have no idea what so-called “third parties” will also know a lot about you. For example, a well-known shampoo company teamed with the Weather Channel to target specific hair products based on weather reports according to zip codes. What if the object was attacking a certain belief system, not damp hair or dandruff?

Remember when prophecy buffs were up in arms at the possibility of grocery store scanners? That seems archaic now. And lest we get all worried about the abilities of unscrupulous individuals or companies knowing more about us than we wish, imagine where all this is going? Can the Thought Police be far behind? Can the Anti-Christ be chuckling in the wings, ready to take center stage? Don’t panic, but do get free! Get delivered. As the trends above continue, you need to be battle-ready to fight Satan before his little brother demons do a number on you. 


An encouraging word:  STRENGTH IN QUIETNESS

In times like these with war raging around us, evil flourishing on every side, and the faith of many growing weak, how can we maintain spiritual balance? Isaiah 30:15 has a word for you and me: In quietness and trust is your strength. Whew, I feel better after reading that. When stress comes and hope seems to fail, just be quiet. Don’t cry out in anguish. Trust God. That is true strength. Three verses later the prophet adds, “Blessed are all who wait for Him.” Today, be quiet, be strong, and be blessed.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Schizophrenia and Demons

Wednesday, Sept 24, 2014

Let’s start by being clear.  There are some things schizophrenia is not. It isn’t a “split personality,” Jekyll-Hyde style. That’s a misconception. So-called split personalities are actually more like Dissociative Identity Disorder, multiple personalities in common parlance. Schizophrenics suffer from delusions and are often incapable of knowing what is real and what is not real. Their false beliefs may include voices in the mind or beliefs which have no relationship to reality. (Classic case: the schizophrenic who thinks he’s Napoleon or Jesus Christ.) Speech may be disordered or even unintelligible in serious cases. Severe depression and suicidal thoughts may occur.

But here’s something really interesting. The hallucinations or psychotic perceptions change with the times. Eighty years ago a schizophrenic may have thought that voices were speaking from a 78 r.p.m. disc on the phonograph or from a dial-up phone handset. Today, such delusions may target messages from hidden video cameras they think are taping them for some reality show. One thing hasn’t changed: the idea of some schizophrenics that demons are speaking in their heads. That doesn’t seem to be a time-specific phenomenon. The reason? Of course, these demons might not be real spiritual entities, only products of a dysphoric mind; but on occasion these demons are real. The tough part is knowing which came first: (a) the demons which became the voices, or (b) the voices which became a place for demons to hide.

Deliverance ministers shouldn’t jump to conclusions. That why in our International School of Exorcism� (TO ENROLL CLICK HERE) we teach how to identify various psychological disorders as being different from demonization. Our DVD series “Advanced Deliverance” (to order CLICK HERE.) also teaches how to minister to the mentally challenged. In my experience, schizophrenics may suffer mentally without direct demonic involvement; but because this disorder is based on unreality, schizophrenics are a prime target for deceiving evil spirits who hide behind the delusions they created.

An encouraging word:  GOD IS FAITHFUL

Does God make mistakes? Is the Almighty capricious? Is He ever cruel and uncaring? Isaiah has the answer (25:1): For in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things.  Two things here. What God does is always marvelous, even if at the time it doesn’t seem like it. Second, His faithfulness is perfect. You and I can’t always be depended upon. Try as we may, we fail one another, even the ones we love most. But the Lord is always faithful, and He is perfect. You can count on Him to always be there for you and never fail.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Defending Deliverance!

Tuesday, Sept 23, 2014


Google “exorcism photos” and the above is mostly what you’ll get; bizarre and stereotypical images of casting out demons. Ask most Christians what they think about deliverance and you’ll get equally strange answers. When the topic of demons comes up, the devil has done a good idea of getting people to engage in what’s known in philosophy as “hasty generalization.” It’s the fallacy of faulty conclusions reached by inductive generalization, ideas based on insufficient evidence and quick judgments. Hasty generalization can result from basing opinions on inaccurate samplings and a small amount of information. The result is conclusions that are sloppily reached, ill-informed, and often based on prejudice.

Deliverance and exorcism suffer from this philosophical fallacy. Real deliverance is seldom what you see above and almost never what is depicted in movies. At its best, it is thoughtful, introspective, compassionate, caring, empathetic, and pain-staking. It takes time, much prayer, careful listening, and often prolonged battles. It involves physical and emotional healing before the demons are confronted. It results in changed lives that turn from destructive to productive. Marriages are restored. Addictions are broken. Relationships are healed. Deep emotional pain is expunged. The next time you hear a pastor or layperson dis deliverance, call them out on their “hasty generalizations” and fight back with truth against the exor-phobic (I just invented a new word.) blindness of ill-informed critics.

An encouraging word:  STOP DOING EVIL

Jeremiah voiced a sarcastic word from the Lord in chapter three, verse 4-5: Have you not just called to me “My Father, my friend” . . . but you do all the evil you can. That retort could be as easily aimed at our world today as it was ancient Israel. Too many want to appear religious without actually being religious. They say they are Christians and that they are saved, and yet they indulge in things which are outright evil. The way they talk and act gives little evidence of a spiritually surrendered life. Don’t be like that. If you call him “Father and friend” then quit the sins that contradict your claim to Christianity.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Don’t Lose Your Religion!

Thursday, Sept 18, 2014


“That’s me in the corner. That’s me in the spotlight. Losing my religion.” So sang Michael Stipe in a song dissected from every angle by rock journalists for whatever hidden meaning was intended. Whatever, be certain of one thing: don’t lose your religion. That’s the conclusion of a recent report according to the Association of Religion Data Archives. In a published report some interesting facts were revealed regarding parents with spiritual faith. According to research presented to the Association for the Sociology of Religion by Baylor sociologist Jeremy Uecker and Samuel Stroope of Louisiana State University:

  • Daily prayer reduces stress for married mothers.
  • Single mothers who attended religious services weekly were more likely than those who rarely or never attend services to strongly agree they are happy in their role as a parent.
  • Fathers who said religion is important were more likely to strongly agree they are happy in their role as a parent
  • Religion can be a positive influence on parenting, providing a resource for a less stressful and more joyful parenthood.

This isn’t exactly rocket science, but it is backed up by hard research. The message? If you want to be a happy parent, get religion, and don’t lose it!


An encouraging word:  GOD IS A REFUGE

Did you ever feel like you wanted to run and hide from someone or something? The Psalmist David did. He was trying to escape his own internal struggles and the torment of real, live enemies. “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble” (Psalm 9:9).  What comfort knowing that God is our ultimate safe harbor, a place of hope and security. If you are looking for a way out of whatever you’re facing, alcohol, sex, drugs, and whatever numbs the pain isn’t the answer. A refuge is a place to hide from it all until you’ve figured it out, with God’s help. If today is a “time of trouble,” run to the Lord who will provide a way of escape until the storm passes.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Your Brain

Wednesday, Sept 17, 2014
The brain envisioned as a microchip.


You’ll give away your age if you can remember the TV commercial of eggs frying and a voiceover dead-panning, “This is your brain on drugs.” Well, the above is your brain on microchip. We’re all accustomed to the amazing advances in chip technology. I use a lot of external hard drives with my computer, and I remember how excited I was to get a drive, almost as big, in size, as my laptop, that could hold 256G. Then I saw one for 500G. Then 750. Then 1T (terabyte). Now even OfficeMax carries off-the-shelf 2 and 3T drives. Next? I’m holding my breath. But compared to the human mind, just how big is this? The latest estimate is that the brain’s storage capacity may be close to 2.5 petabytes (1 petabyte equals 1,000 terabytes). Keep in mind that a 1T (terabyte) drive is HUGE and will likely take all the videos and photos you’ll compile in a lifetime. In perspective 2.5 petabytes is 2,500 times the size of a hard drive’s storage that will hold all you’d ever want to put on it, unless you decide to catalogue every movie ever made in Hollywood. Put another way, based on the 2.5 petabytes model, your brain could store 3 million hours of TV shows. (Video requires the largest storage capacity of anything digitally saved.)

Now we now what your brain can hold, think about what the devil can put in your brain? What are you feeding your brain/mind? Can you now glimpse why it is so easy for demons to enter and hide inside the soul of an individual? No wonder we are told to in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Do you really think you are so spiritual that all 2.5 petabytes are filled with the Holy Spirit? If not, could the devil or demons be occupying some of the space that hasn’t been surrendered to the Lord? Better sign up, as soon as possible, for a Skype or Personal Encounter so we can find out. Call now, 303-980-1511.


An encouraging word:  PULLING DOWN STRONGHOLDS

The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that we need to pull down “strongholds.” What exactly is a stronghold? It’s the place where Satan’s lies are embedded in your mind. It’s where your fear, anger, rejection, and other bondages have taken hold on your soul. To pull down these ungodly strongholds, envision Satan’s lies as surrounded by strong walls that have to be brought down like the walls of Jericho. You must assault those high barriers with mighty weapons of God: prayer, fasting, Scripture, worship, and even deliverance. Don’t wait. Start today to pull down the strongholds of Satan in your life.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Opossum v. Baby?

Tuesday, Sept 16, 2014

It’s a helpless baby that everyone is trying to save. It was found last week, lying outside a building in Fontana, California. The mother’s health is critical to the survival of this infant so everything is being done to nurture her. Health officials are trying to keep this baby alive until it can start eating solid food. No cost or effort is too little for this precious, diminutive life. It can barely survive outside the mother so extraordinary measure are being taken. It’s so small it can fit inside the palm of a human hand, but it’s not human. It’s a baby opossum. The mother was found almost dead, beaten with a rock by some cruel person. Police are looking for the perpetrator of this crime of cruelty. Admittedly this small animal is cute and stirs our sympathies for its suffering. But there is a question worth asking. Why would a culture that makes such a fuss over an animal show so little regard for the lives of innocent human babies who are mercilessly aborted every day? The numbers are staggering: fifty million a year worldwide, 1.3 million a year in the U. S, nearly 3,700 a day! I ask you. Which photo concerns you most? The answer says a lot about your politics, your morality, and your religion.

An encouraging word:  HOW TO GET TO SLEEP

In an age of Ambien, Lunesta, and Zzzquil we’ve taken for granted that insomnia is a pill away. I recognize that there are times we all, for various stress or health reasons, may need a little help to fall asleep. But the Bible has the best sleep aid there is: confidence and trust in the Lord. The Psalmist (4:8) said, “I will both lie down in peace and sleep.” How? “You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” David had more than a little sleeplessness. He was living in fear of his life, and still he slept like a baby because he turned it all over to the Lord. You’ve got to admit that releasing your fears and pressures to God is a lot better than counting sheep or drugging yourself to sleep.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Father Murders 5 Kids

Friday, Sept 12, 2014

He doesn’t look like a killer. Family and friends say he was a good father. But the 700 mile journey of Timothy Jones Jr., from South Carolina to Mississippi, ended when he was picked up by the Sheriff’s department of Lexington County. He had driven almost the whole way with his five children in the back of his SUV, decomposing in garbage bags. He had stuffed them there after he killed them. The murdered children ranged in ages from 1 to 8. Jones was a computer tech at Mississippi State University, and had dumped the bodies in Alabama along the way. He showed authorities the location. He had been picked up at a police checkpoint in Mississippi, disoriented and violent. Jones’ father faced the press and said, “. . . anyone who knows little Tim will agree that he is not the animal that he will be portrayed through the media,” and that his son was “a very loving father, brother and son . . .” Really? “Little Tim?” Who is kidding who, and who is in denial? “Little Tim” is being held on drug charges as well. Jones shared custody with his ex-wife.

There are many unanswered questions. Why so many children so young? If that many kids were presumably wanted, why were they killed? What precipitated the divorce? Why was he living 700 miles from his family? Were any of the kids illegitimate? Was he married to the mother? If he was such a great guy, how could so much go so wrong? My experience as a deliverance minister tells me some things are glaringly obvious. Only very powerful generational curses could lead to such a tragedy. Something was not right with the way this man was raised. Good sons from good families don’t turn out to be cold-blooded killers of their own kids. Drugs and demons played an obvious role. Jones was likely mentally ill, dissociative, and demonized.

How many more tragedies like this have to happen before Christians get their heads out of the sand and admit that we live in an age of heightened demonic activity that must be aggressively confronted with the power of Christ!

An encouraging word:  GOD IS ANGRY WITH SIN

“God is angry with the wicked every day” (Psalm 7:11). Not just once in a while. Not when the Lord gets beyond his mercy. EVERY DAY. There is never a moment when Jehovah doesn’t hate sin. Compare that to how some Christians live. Of course they find sin distasteful most of the time. But some Christians will occasionally tell a dirty joke or watch an immoral movie. Some will poke fun at the unfortunate or spend their tithe money on personal pleasure. The list of evils that Christians may tolerate is long, but God hates it all. Remember that the next time you cheat, cut a corner, tell a white lie, or give in to lust. God hates the sin that you allow, all the time and every day.


Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


What Ray Rice Should Have Done

Thursday, Sept 11, 2014


By now, most alert observers of American life are well aware of the sad saga of the Baltimore Ravens’ running back, Ray Rice. With a football he helped the Ravens to win a Super Bowl; but now with a punch to the face of his then-fianc�, Janay, he has sullied his reputation. He has also raised serious questions about the truthfulness of National Football League officials and local, Baltimore prosecutors. This tragedy has raised public awareness about domestic violence, which may be the one good thing to come out of this lamentable melodrama. So much has been said that there’s no need for me to add to the millions of words spoken and written in recent days. What I want to focus on is the statement of Rice’s now-wife, the woman he knocked out and drug out of a hotel elevator. In an Instagram yesterday, Janay Rice said she was devastated, not by what her wife-beating husband did to her, but by the pain caused by the focus of the media on this story. She said she was “hurt” and “embarrassed” that her husband — a certifiable criminal who should be prosecuted to the maximum extent — has lost his lucrative job as a football player.

Janay concluded, “Just know we will continue to grow & show the world what real love is.” Sadly, this woman doesn’t really know what real love is.  In my ministry of counseling and deliverance I’ve dealt with countless battered wives and girlfriends. Most of them talk like this, meekly assuming the role of enabler to their batterer. They live in an unreal world of lies, distortion, and revisionist personal history. Let me be plain. Outside of having a life-changing commitment to Christ, this isn’t likely to be the last time Janay will be beaten. She’s another Rhianna, coddling a criminal (Chris Brown) and making it possible for men like this to become anti-heroes to pseudo macho-men, abandoned by fathers and trying to prove their manhood. Ray Rice needs to man-up, not hide behind his wife’s skirt. He should admit what he did, donate some of his millions to programs that help battered woman, get some serious therapy, and undergo an exorcism. I’m ready, Ray. Are you man enough to get rid of your inner demons? 


An encouraging word:  HUSBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 5:15 KJV). Those are tough words for any husband to live up to. He gave himself. He died for the church. I wonder, how many husbands and fathers would literally be willing to die for their families? Many would. Many would not, and they prove it by spousal physical and emotional abuse, and the neglect of their children. No wonder the devil makes it so hard on so many families. We need many things in our immoral, love-starved world. But one of the things we need most are husbands who truly love their wives.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


They Want the Anointing!

Wednesday, Sept 10, 2014


They want the anointing! That’s one of the reasons I love to minister in Eastern Europe. After 100 years of Communism and atheism, people in Russia and the Baltic states are hungry to experience the power of God. When they see me cast out demons, they want to do it too! When they witness people weeping because of God’s inner healing, they want that touch of the Lord.

During our recent mission to Ukraine to teach at our local European campus of our School of Exorcism, we concluded the training with a time of spiritual impartation. By the hundreds they pressed against the foot of the stage, desperately reaching out for the anointing. I placed holy oil on their foreheads. I grasped their hands. I touched their arms and heads. At one point, it became potentially dangerous for me. In their urgency, people began to grab at my shirt and my pants and pulled me off balance. For a moment I thought I might “stage dive” (rock concert goers will understand) into the audience. They didn’t mean to harm me, but their fervency was all-consuming. THEY WANTED THE ANOINTING.

They wanted the power to set people free. I had given them the teaching. I told that that Christ had given them the authority. But they wanted the power that flows through this ministry. It’s not my power. It’s God’s power. And it rests upon this ministry because we dare to boldly confront the devil without fear. If that’s the anointing you want, reach out to the Lord with the same desperation that those in Ukraine did, and you’ll receive it too!

An encouraging word:  THE PIT OF SIN

“He made a pit and dug it out, and has fallen into the ditch which he made” (Psalm 7:15). Such is the plight of a wicked man. No matter how long he takes to dig a pit in his life, a few hours or a lifetime, the outcome is inevitable. He digs it; he falls into it. There’s no one to blame but himself. And when he falls, he must wonder why he dug it so deep in the first place. Sadly, for some that pit is the Pit, the Abyss, and it is deep indeed. Beware how your actions are digging a hole for your future when sin has taken a toll. Stop digging your way into sin and destruction while there is still time for the Savior to pull you out.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.