Month: January 2014

The Delivered Speak Out!


Friday, January 31st 2014


Classic depiction of Christ’s temptation.

It has been a wild week! First, a week ago tonight, CNN’s “Anderson Cooper AC360” show featured a story about our ministry doing deliverance by Skype on the Internet. That infuriated our critics, including some Catholic exorcists. Some evangelical Christians who believe that the ministry of casting out demons died with the apostolic age vented their fury. Meanwhile, national and international media went into high gear. Stories about our ministry appeared on Huffington Post, the Drudge Report, the New York Daily News,, French TV (with whom I did an interview last night), CNN Latino, UK Sunday Herald (most read newspaper in Scotland),, a top Greek news web site, numerous (maybe hundreds) of local TV stations – that’s just a partial list. I and my staff have been handling scores and scores of media requests all week. As I pointed out the past couple of days, I didn’t seek this, it sought me. The Skype exorcism was inadvertent, not planned as some kind of promotion. But through it all God has been getting the glory as the one who sets people free. In this one week alone, millions around the world have been faced with the fact that Satan is alive and well, and Jesus overcomes him when we confront the devil in the name of Jesus.

I appealed yesterday for those who do support this ministry to encourage us. I have been deeply touched by the response that has flooded our office. I wish I could let you read every email, but here are a few excerpted quotes:

  • I have been to your sessions and been so blessed to be taught by you. I was a demonized woman and have been set free and now minister as a pastoral counselor. You are the real thing. I have also done several counseling cases by Skype. Delora
  • The Lord used you as His servant to minister a lot of deliverance and inner healing inside of me. Be encouraged although this trash talk is out there against your ministry. I love you brother Bob!!!!!!!!!! Rebecca
  • Keep doing what you’re doing. Thank you for all you have taught me. You changed MY LIFE!!! Libby
  • We have had family and individual encounters with you. You brought me to the place of childhood pain and I was delivered from oppression and generational curses. You ministry is critical to the success of my family, every family. Kathy

Some comments haven’t been so nice:

  • Why do you have the hubris and narcissistic belief that you can cast out demons via Skype? They will expose you as a fraud and fake. You are just another money hungry opportunist and you will be judged one day. Brian
  • Anyone offering a demon test in exchange for money is himself a demon. May God curse you and your lies. Terry (NOTE: Our web site does charge a small processing fee to develop and maintain the site.)

Wow, our ministry has obviously hit a raw nerve. There are many other quotes I’ll be sharing in the near future, but one thing is certain. People are talking, the media is buzzing, and lives are being changed. Last night I had an encounter with a man who is involved in many demonic New Age cults. He bought a Bible at a Goodwill store and opened it a random and read 2 Cor. 10:3-5. That’s when he remembered seeing me on TV, and immediately called our offices to set up an appointment. His demons are powerful and threatening. They cursed and tried to intimidate me. They bragged, “We’re going to get him to kill himself, and take a few people with him.” Because of our intervention and God’s grace this man will not be another news headline of violence! Isn’t that what this ministry is really all about? Why can’t the critics see that? If you do, I’d still love to hear from you at 303-980-1511 or

An encouraging word:  GOD VINDICATES

We’ve all felt at one time or another that we were unjustly treated or misunderstood. If you’ve read my blogs this week, that’s what I’ve been experiencing; but I am encouraged by David’s words in Psalm 17:2: May my vindication come from you [God], may your eyes see what is right. When you feel you’ve been harshly judged or wrongly accused, release your hurt to the Lord. He judges all things fairly by a divine standard. It is better to be vindicated by God than to be falsely praised by men.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


The Exorcist Strikes Back

Thursday, January 30th 2014


Bob interviewed by top reporter Gary Tuchman on CNN.

One would have thought I advocated some sinister plot against Christianity. All I did was allow the cameras of CNN to film me conducting an exorcism on the Internet, via Skype – as reported last Friday night on “Anderson Cooper 360.” Much of the furor was generated by an article that appeared on the web site Vocative, replayed throughout the media such as The Drudge Report and In yesterday’s blog I countered by pointing out that I have been doing Skype exorcisms for a long time, and the CNN report on this issue was inadvertent, not some hatched, Internet “scam,” as was suggested. Vocative quoted the Reverend Isaac Kramer, director of the International Catholic Association of Exorcists. Said Kramer, “If a person is fully possessed, the demon inside of them will not let them sit in front of the computer screen to be exorcised. Chances are, they’re going to throw the computer screen across the room and destroy everything.” Since he’s never done a Skype exorcism (and frankly we don’t know if he’s ever done an exorcism), how would he know? First, when people manifest on Skype they can get physical, move out of camera range, and even shut down the signal. We work through that, and I always try to have a family member or friend present. Second, I appreciate the Catholic Rituale Romanun; that ancient rite is a wonderful guide but it isn’t the only way an exorcism can be done. Finally, since I’m not an ordained Catholic priest, approved by a Bishop, by Vatican standards I am “unqualified” no matter what I do with deliverance. Fortunately, most Catholic exorcists are not so dogmatic about the way God uses other Christians to minister in Christ’s Name.

Kramer concludes his objections by saying, “it would be like trying to perform a Baptist on someone through the telephone.” (Very poor analogy. Of course you can’t baptize by phone since physical presence is necessary.) Kramer adds: “Why modernize something that’s already been perfected?” Do I detect a bit of pride? Perfected? Hardly. Satan’s devices are constantly being adapted to our age (for example, Internet porn), so why should the Church refuse to take reasonable advantage of modern technology? Even the Pope has a twitter account. And remember, Jesus cast out demons long-distance (Matthew 15 — the Canaanite woman).

As I did yesterday, I issue an appeal for those who have been helped by this ministry through deliverance and inner healing. Please take a moment and email me your thoughts at:  or call 303-980-1511. If you’ve witnessed an exorcism in one of our seminars and your life was touched as a result, we would appreciate hearing from you with a testimony and word of encouragement. And if you are in need of an exorcism or prayers of deliverance, via Skype, phone, or in person, please call 303-980-1511. Check the Personal Encounters section above for locations where we can help you on-on-one. This ministry is under attack and we appreciate your prayers and financial support.

An encouraging word:  STATE OF THE MARRIAGE UNION

In President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night he said that one of the investments America needs to make is in “a child’s life . . . quality education.” That is a worthy investment but certainly not the best. The answer to our problems as a country would be better solved by a solid investment in marriages and family, strengthening the core of a youngster’s existence. Children with two, happily married, godly Christian parents are likely to be successful in life. Children from broken homes are more prone to suffer dysfunction and addiction. By all means let’s educate our children well, but as a nation we need to focus more on the state of the marriage union.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


When Exorcists Attack!

Wednesday, January 29th 2014

Skype Exorcisms Are Worthless,

Say Full-Time Exorcists


I have no idea what the photo above represents. An exorcism, maybe? The headline below it is a jab at me. “Worthless?” Ask the many in bondage to demons who have done Skype exorcisms with me, and who have been set free. “Full-Time Exorcists?” In the article I am about to reference, I have no idea who qualifies. The article in a web site called Vocative was generated by my appearance last Friday night on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.” CNN-TV flew in a crew from New York and Atlanta to report on our ministry. Neither I nor CNN had planned the story around Skype exorcisms, but I happened to have one scheduled the day they filmed. The producer and interviewer were so fascinated with what they saw that Skyping to get rid of demons became the theme of the story.

The article accuses me of using the CNN interview to “advertise” some newly developed technique of Internet exorcisms. The truth is that I’ve been doing exorcisms by Internet conferencing for years and never thought of it as anything unusual. Just yesterday, the day this article came out, I did a Skype exorcism of a man wonderfully delivered from a Baal demon. Of course, it’s always better to do any ministry face-to-face. But for those in other countries (I do Skype exorcisms all over the world from Australia to Africa, India to Europe.), getting help by Internet is the next best thing to being there.

The article also calls it an “Internet scam.” Those who are aware of the long and credible history of this ministry know the integrity and legitimacy of our efforts to bring healing and deliverance. (Interestingly, the people who wrote the article slamming me never bothered to contact me for comment, a practice legitimate journalism follows – give the primary source a chance to respond.) Instead they spoke to people such as author Thomas Allen, who wrote Possessed, supposedly about a series of exorcisms in 1949. Allen, whom the article never says ever performed a single exorcism himself, declared confidently, “An exorcism is a religious rite. Neither Skype nor the Internet could possibly be used.” A reader of the article, who goes by the name Ted, posted: As a professional exorcist of over twelve years experience, with 100% perfect results, I have helped several of Bob Larson’s victims. As for Catholic exorcisms, they are a joke. Their so-called ‘holy water’, special prayers, big crosses and other junk that they use, make the spirits laugh. In one fell swoop this individual claims that those you see on our YouTube exorcism channel (CLICK HERE if you want to watch.) are “victims” and that his efforts to expel demons are “perfect.” Slamming the Catholic Church is shameful and disingenuous. It is Catholic priest who kept this ancient spiritual tradition alive, long after other Christians abandoned it! I’ll have more to say about this controversy tomorrow.

For now, I issue an appeal for those who have been helped by this ministry through deliverance and inner healing. Please take a moment and email me your thoughts at:  or call 303-980-1511. If you’ve witnessed an exorcism in one of our seminars and your life was touched as a result, we would appreciate hearing from you with a testimony and word of encouragement. And if you are in need of an exorcism or prayers of deliverance, via Skype, phone, or in person, please call 303-980-1511. Check the Personal Encounters section above for locations where we can help you on-on-one. This ministry is under attack and we appreciate your prayers and financial support.


My blog today is about some vicious attacks leveled at me by Christians. It happens a lot. How do I handle it? One way is to remember what Nehemiah said while rebuilding the temple. His critics insisted that he stop his God-appointed mission and answer their accusations. He answered, “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” This happened five times. (The devil is persistent.) Reasonable questions should be answered, but the attacks of Satan are only worth the response Nehemiah gave. Say it kindly, but say it firmly, “No!”

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


The Business of Mysticism

Tuesday, January 28th 2014

Is this any way to build a business?

In case you thought that most mystics are wearing yoga pants and sitting in a lotus position somewhere in Sedona, guess again. Eastern meditation and occultism threatens to take over, of all places, Wall Street and the business community. The “mindfulness” of meditation is suddenly the in-thing with the corporate world. A recent article in the international business magazine The Economist observes that many business schools are embracing eastern meditation, including Harvard, as a way to develop future MBA leaders who are “self-aware and self-compassionate,” whatever that means.  Google encourages employees to “search inside yourself” and Ebay has meditation rooms with pillows and flowers. Twitter and Facebook are also on board. Sitting and relaxing, closing your eyes and shutting out the world is likely to do some good. (We used to call this a power-nap.) But the problem comes with the spiritual overlay that accompanies these techniques. Inherent in these mystical concepts is the negation of sin and any need of objective moral behavior. It’s all touchy-feely-fuzzy and requires no ethical commitment of character – just look inside yourself. The Bible says that, without Christ, the inner you is evil. “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure,” is the way the prophet Jeremiah (1:7) described it. But “blessed in the man who trusts in the Lord” (Jeremiah 17:7). If the business world wants to truly encourage employee morale and increase profits, they’d be better to pursue the “peace that passes understanding” from knowing Christ. The Protestant work ethic is what made America great, and a Buddhist work culture will, in time, erode our competitive edge.

An encouraging word:  LET GOD SEARCH YOUR HEART

“I The Lord search the heart and examine the mind” (Jeremiah 17:10). Have you ever thought about that? There is nothing in your soul which the Lord doesn’t know. Every thought, each aspiration, every temptation you’re allowed. If God examines our minds, how much more should we be careful to guard everything that enters the world of our imagination. Take inventory today of what you’ve allowed into your heart and by examination get rid of what’s not pleasing to God, before He who knows your heart finds it necessary to chasten your mind.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Skype-ing With the Devil

Monday, January 27th 2014


Bob Larson casts out demons via Skype.

Last Friday night, worldwide TV network CNN featured our ministry in a special report on the show “Anderson Cooper 360.” CNN flew in personnel from New York and Atlanta to spend two days examining our ministry. Veteran journalist Gary Tuchman covered the story which was shown on the Friday night airing of AC/360. In addition to lengthy interviews, Mr. Tuchman asked to see an exorcism in action. My schedule that day included a Skype exorcism, and the individual gave permission for the media to film it. The CNN web site carried this explanation: The idea of exorcisms in this day and age certainly sounds strange and unusual, but they do happen. If you are thinking of scenes out of movies, maybe instead you should be thinking about video conferencing on Skype. At least one reverend is conducting exorcisms on-line. Gary Tuchman got a firsthand look. (The entire report can be seen at )

During the interview I explained, “In simple terms, an exorcism is the process of expelling an evil spirit from an individual who has become somehow invaded or demonized or possessed by that being, and sending it back to hell and freeing the person.” CNN’s cameras recorded the Skype exorcism of a man from Norway named David, possessed by four demons, including Leviathan. The demon persistently threatened me with chilling curses, which I repeatedly canceled by the blood of Christ. “We will kill everyone,” the demon growled. Tuchman interviewed David who was remarkably changed after the hour-long exorcism.

This was ground-breaking — the first time an internet exorcism has been performed before world media. Many millions of people witnessed this dramatic encounter with evil, and CNN fairly presented the story, free of any sarcasm or ridicule. We thank CNN for this provocative report and the respectful way they edited the footage.

To the friends and partners of our ministry, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us this amazing opportunity to bear witness to Christ’s power. If is your faithful support which has opened such doors. This is my pulpit, my mission field, my congregation – millions being touched by the Gospel around the world via secular media. I don’t seek nor do I curry such opportunities. God’s blessing and favor has opened doors that no man can shut.

If I ministered deliverance in every mega-church in America for an entire year, I couldn’t reach as many people as I did last Friday night on CNN. Your prayers and financial support are effective and far-reaching. Every gift is multiplied dramatically to reach those outside the church who are in need of salvation and deliverance. As you pray about the gift you will share today, remember that you and I have open doors never given to any other ministry, a sacred trust we will use wisely by God’s grace.

 Doing What Jesus Did, Pastor Bob Larson


You can give now by calling
303-980-1511 or CLICKING HERE.


 * Interested in receiving ministry from Bob Larson in person or via SKYPE?

Call 303-980-1511 or click here for more info.



Katy Perry Has Demons!


Friday, January 24th, 2014   


Katy Perry singing Christian music at 16.

Katy today. We can’t show you the lower portion of this cover photo – it’s too revealing.

I know what you’re thinking. How could I be so dogmatic to say Katy Perry has demons? Remember who I am, what I do, and the dozens of cases of demon-possession I deal with every week. I understand clearly how people get demons and what happens when they do. Katy Perry has a cover story coming out next week in GQ Magazine. The pop star says that as a young teen she prayed to God for big boobs and got them. She puts them on regular display in her concerts, photo shoots, and especially in GQ. She embraces astrology, believes in “cosmic energy,” and emphatically declares she is not a Christian. “So what,” you say, “she’s just like lots of entertainers today.” Granted. But Perry came from a Pentecostal Christian family and got her start writing and singing Christian music. From ages nine to sixteen, as Katheryn Hudson, she sang songs like “Trust in Me” and “Search Me.” There is footage on the internet of her singing for Jesus at 16 and saying to other youth, “Don’t get jaded, remember there is a God.  God will meet you where you’re at.” In “Faith Won’t Fail” she sang, “You could throw me in the fire and I won’t be burned, for my faith is Your desire and Your love endures, You could throw me in the prison cell, shackle me up against the rail, but time and time again my faith won’t fail. He’ll prevail in the midst of all my sin and temptations.”

She now says, “I wanted to be the Amy Grant of Christian music and it didn’t work out so I sold my soul to the devil.” Even if this comment was in jest, it’s a very dangerous statement to make. She likely meant what she said at sixteen but indeed did make a deal with the devil of some sort. Does that mean she has demons? Why wouldn’t she. To be who she is now compared to who she was then requires demonic delusion and gives legal right for Satan to control her life. If you read this, Katy, I believe that child of “faith won’t fail” still lives inside you somewhere and an exorcism could bring her back. You may have sold out to Satan, but God isn’t finished with you yet.

An encouraging word:  GOD IS MERCIFUL

My blog today is about Katy Perry and her rejection of the Christian faith that filled the first 16+ years of her life. Today, she’s an erotic pop star whose life has spiritually crashed and burned. But for her, and whoever else once served the Lord and now serves Satan, I have three words: God is merciful. He still loves you and will always be there for you to turn to Him (2 Chronicles 16:34). Don’t wait until sin has taken such a toll that you find yourself seemingly incapable of turning to Him.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


God’s Truth


Thursday, January 23rd, 2014   


Martin Luther

Galileo Galilei

“People gave ear to an upstart astrologer who strove to show that the earth revolves, not the heavens or the firmament, the sun and the moon. This fool . . . wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy; but sacred Scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth.” – Martin Luther

Those of us who are Protestants owe our faith, “sola scriptura,” to the legacy of Martin Luther. But as right as he was about many things, even he could be terribly wrong. The quote above was made by the Great Reformer in reference to the controversy brought about by Galileo. In the 16th Century the teachings of this Italian mathematician and astronomer were taking hold and Luther would have none of this heliocentric idea that the earth revolved around the sun. Today, we know that Luther was wrong and Galileo was right, and even the Catholic Church has been forced, somewhat belatedly, to apologize for persecuting the man who gazed at the stars and brought about a scientific revolution. Truth turned out not to be what Luther thought it was, even with his astute view of Scripture. This illustration should give us caution when declaring God’s view on things that may not be fully supported by the Bible – God’s truth. What then is safe for certitude? Christ, for He is the way, the life, and the truth (John 14:6). He himself is truth. What He said is truth, when His words are clear without needing interpretation. This is not to say that we should be silent on issues of social and scientific significance, as if we had no right to declare what we believe God says. But the words of Luther above should give us caution to keep our eyes on Jesus, the truth, and be careful what we say about what He said, that may not be true.

An encouraging word:  HATE THE SIN?

“Love the sinner and hate the sin.” A lot of people quote that as if it’s a Bible verse. It’s not. The sentiment seems to make sense until you dig deeper. “Love the sinner.” That works, and it’s biblical. After all, Luke 6:27 tells us to love our enemies. I’m not suggesting that we “like” sin, but by declaring to “hate” it, we run the risk of doing what we shouldn’t–hating the sinner by default. How about, looking inward at ourselves and dealing with the shortcomings in our own lives instead of hating what others do. It avoids the risk of hating them too.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Obama on Pot


Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014   


Obama makes his point on pot.                                         Obama smoking pot as a teenager.

By now you probably know that the President of the United States of America has declared, “Pot is not more dangerous than alcohol. I smoked pot as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life.” He added the provision that such behavior is a “bad idea, a waste of time, not very healthy.” First, the President is not exactly an objective commentator on the issue having admitted his own addiction. Second, he isn’t a drug counselor nor a medical doctor, not even a drug researcher. In short, he’s not an expert, just a user. The President then injected race into the debate by suggesting that pot laws were enforced disproportionately against African Americans. Instead of taking the moral high ground to admonish those of his race not to take the road to drug usage, he seemed to be saying that the main issue was to lessen drug laws so specific ethnic groups aren’t the target of law breaking.

Anyone who counsels those with addiction issues knows the obvious: marijuana is a gateway drug and the one substance that more than any other dumbs down the focus and ambition of teenage users. Obama argues that alcohol is more dangerous. Really? Just because pot is slower to take a toll doesn’t mean it is safe. One might argue that smoking isn’t dangerous because you don’t die from lung cancer in a day, a year, a month, or even 10 years from your first smoke. It make take decades before the awful specter of death catches up. But the link between cancer and smoking has been established. It wasn’t so clear 40-50 years ago. Likewise the neurological and physiological dangers of pot may not be fully apparent until it’s too late to realize its damage. Through the years I’ve dealt with hundreds of potheads and never met one filled with love for the Lord and ambition to achieve great things in life. The President may have escaped the worst consequences of pot smoking – so far – but one can also point to many alcoholics who live years before cirrhosis of the liver kills them. Smokers may puff packs a day for decades before succumbing to lung cancer. Mr. President, I admire what you’ve done to overcome many obstacles in your life but your possible exception to the rule doesn’t give you the right to ruin the lives of others. Obama would do well to heed the words of Stuart Gitlow, Director of the Annenberg Physician Training program in Addictive Disease at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Says Gitlow, “The president is obviously not familiar with the science and frankly doesn’t know what he’s talking about. There’s no benefit to marijuana, it’s simply that people want the freedom to be stoned. That’s all it is. And there’s a great deal of risk.”

An encouraging word:  WHEN THE WICKED RULE

“When the wicked rule, the people groan.” (Proverbs 28:2) They groan because of the moral decay that brings instability and economic collapse. Of course, the question raised is how to define “wicked.” Clinton’s escapade with Lewinsky? Bush’s mistake of WMDs in Iraq? Obama’s easy stance on pot smoking? Each particular political persuasion will have its own opinion. One thing is clear: America is in steep decline and we must make changes before our lament becomes a death rattle. The one thing we must pray for is godly leaders who cause us to rejoice. . . not groan.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Maryland “Exorcism” Murders


Tuesday, January 21st, 2014   


Bob Larson’s daughter, Brynne on the “Dr. Drew Show” last night.

Yesterday was a very busy day for me with the media. My phone rang off the hook with national media requests to discuss the horrible murder of two children in Germantown, MD. A mother killed her one-year-old boy and two-year-old daughter in an exorcism gone wrong. The mother, who had previously been treated for severe mental illness, believed she was driving the devil out of her children, as she stabbed them to death. Intervention by the police prevented her from killing two other children. Much of my day yesterday was with CNN, which will air a special report with my interview on Anderson Cooper’s show AC360 (10:00 PM ET, 7:00PM PT).

There were so many requests for interviews I could only do one. The Dr. Drew show wanted me, but I was unavailable so they asked for my daughter Brynne, one of the Teenage Exorcists. She joined a panel of mental health experts to talk about what this crime was all about. I’ve always liked Dr. Drew for his no-nonsense approach to dealing with issues of bad behavior, especially addiction. Dr. Drew, and his guests, did a great job of discussing the mental health issues related to this gruesome crime. Brynne chimed in noting that this was not an exorcism, and that none of the deliverances she has ever done resulted in someone being harmed, let alone dead. But I was disappointed that all the attention of Dr. Drew and his guests, except for Brynne Larson, was on the psychological aspects. Not one person brought up the subject of religious delusions and bad theology, as well as a distorted understanding of exorcism, that was a factor in this crime. As I told CNN today (and hopefully you’ll hear tonight), if the devil was in anybody, it was the mother, not those innocent children. Someone needed an exorcism, all right, and it was the mom and her accomplice who did the work of Satan by killing their kids. The murdering mom will likely be locked away for life and because of her mental condition, perhaps she should be lest she be a threat to other children. But they’ll also lock her up with her demons, never to be free, allowing Satan to win twice. Like the Dr. Drew discussion failed to do, as a society we need to own up to the work of the devil in our midst and stop trying to always explain away with a behavioral explanation the evil of demonized minds.


When you walk as a believer in the ways of God and the will of God, don’t expect the people around you to “get it.” 1 Cor 1:18 (AMP) says, “For the story and message of the cross is sheer absurdity and folly to those who are perishing and on their way to perdition, but to us who are being saved it is the [manifestation of] the power of God.”  Outside of God, tithing makes no sense, loving your enemies is even more absurd! (Let’s not even talk about performing exorcisms.)  But with God, doing these things puts you in His will and hooks you up to the most powerful force in the universe.  Just because the world doesn’t understand it, doesn’t mean you should change anything to make your Christianity more palatable to those around you. (See Romans 12:2)

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


Rick Warren’s Blind Spot


Monday, January 20th, 2014   


Rick Warren, after the Daniel diet.

An interview this past week with mega church pastor Rick Warren in The Wall Street Journal caught my attention.  I have great respect for Pastor Warren regarding his biblical stands and the great work for Christ he’s done worldwide. Few pastors have so effectively had an impact on their generation. His grace under the pressure of having lost his son to suicide this past year has been a remarkable witness to faith in action. His bold stand for orthodox Christianity is to be admired, considering what so many prominent preachers have done with their public platforms to dishonor the Gospel. This interview was to promote his new book about weight loss, The Daniel Plan. In an age of rampant obesity, good for him to set an example of leadership on the issue of healthy living. But in spite of all the great things Rick Warren has done he has a blind spot. In the Journal interview he is quoted as saying, regarding the need for a more nutritional approach to eating, that one of Jesus’ three key tenents was “healing,” and that, “One-third of His ministry was health care.” Great. What a wonderful way to present the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I presume that Pastor Warren is implying that another third of Christ’s ministry was preaching the Good News. And the other third? Please, Pastor Warren, you’re a courageous man, so don’t skirt the issue because it’s a “politically incorrect” topic with evangelicals — casting out demons! In the synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, one third of the chapters contain an instance of Christ encountering demons. Preaching, healing, and deliverance are the three emphases of Christ’s ministry. To quote the classic work In the Name of Jesus by Graham H. Twelftree, Ph. D University of Nottingham and distinguished professor of New Testament at the School of Divinity at Regent University:”. . . all healing involves God’s adversary being defeated. As exorcism was included in Luke’s use of the phrase ‘signs and wonders’  . . . readers would assume that exorcism was included in the ‘signs and wonders’ of his [Luke’s] followers . . . Also since exorcism and the kingdom of God were so closely tied in the ministry of Jesus, readers could assume that exorcism was involved when Luke says that the early Christians proclaimed the kingdom of God.” Pastor Warren, after The Purpose Driven Life and The Daniel Plan, both great books, I can’t wait to see your next tome entitled The Purpose Driven Exorcist – Jesus of Nazareth.


God is limited. That statement might be shocking, but the fact is that God is limited by what we humans do with the world he has given us. “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” David asks in Psalm 11:3. We may expect God to bless us as a nation, as a church, as a family, or even as an individual. But if collectively or individually we allow moral foundations to be destroyed, we hinder the blessing God would otherwise give. Make sure that your foundation of character, ethics, honesty, and morality are not destroyed so God continue to work in your life.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.