Car carrying Mandela’s coffin from capitol of Pretoria.
This past weekend began the final farewell to Nelson Mandela, a lengthy period of mourning in his rural childhood village where he’ll be buried. After all the fanfare of world dignitaries saluting Mandela’s statesmanship, a very different aspect of the man now unfolds. The late leader’s spirituality was little-mentioned for good reason. No one was really sure what he believed. But there can be no mistaking what his last, final wishes were, and any mention of Christian values will now take a back seat to traditional African witchcraft. Whatever his politics, Mandela was a member of the Xhosa people, a tribe that still adheres to ancient demonic rituals. The Xhosa call on ancestral spirits for guidance and believe that the body of the dead must be properly introduced to the next life. Consequently, a family elder in the village of Qunu will sit by the coffined corpse and talk to Mandela’s spirit to explain what’s going on before the final funeral arrangements are concluded. Then an ox will be slaughtered as a blood covenant offering to the spirits and the food eaten by the mourners. A year from now, another ceremony will take place to bring back Mandela’s spirit to continue guiding his family.
Secular cultural anthropologists and religious liberals may view all this as a quaint, affectionate way for tribal traditionalists to process the grief of death. But anyone who has dealt with witchcraft demons in Africa, as I have, knows that diabolical deeds are taking place during these tribal funeral rites. I’ve dealt many times with Africans who have participated in ceremonies such as these and can give first-person testimony that demons operate in such settings. The African demons summoned by animal sacrifices are some of the most powerful satanic spirits on the planet, and the blood offering of the slaughtered livestock enforces the spiritual darkness. Those who sit by Mandela’s graveside and eat of the ox killed in his name give permission to the worst kind of demons of enter them, even if that isn’t their intent. Mandela was a man of the western world, leading a country that at one time called itself Christian, notwithstanding the hypocrisy of apartheid. The memorialization of his death, and noble life, by such witchcraft rituals may spiritually undo much of the good he did by his acts of magnanimity.
An encouraging word: CHRISTIANS AT DEATH
Death for a Christian is much different from the passing of those who have no faith or have an occult view of the afterlife. To the atheist life is all there is and death is the end of everything. To the Eastern mystic, death is a transition to another life form, a reincarnated transmigration into whatever karma wills. To the believer in Christ, dying is to be “absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord” (2 Cor. 8:8). Christians have the hope of heaven with no need of a second chance.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
Chart from recent New Zealand census showing religious affiliation
It has been said that under President Obama we are economically becoming Europe. With the Obamacare disaster, it should be obvious that creeping socialism has a terrible price to pay. While our economy looks more and more everyday like European socialism, let’s pray that spiritually we don’t become New Zealand. The latest census results from that country indicate it is far more non-religious than anyone realized. According to the most recent published poll, 42 percent of the population professes to have no religion. In 1956, over 90 percent of the population identified as Christian. As part of the British Commonwealth, New Zealand is officially a Christian nation, like England, owing allegiance to the Church of England.
I’ve been to New Zealand many times and love the country. Kiwis, as they are known, are great people. They are some of the friendliest you will find anywhere. New Zealand is a beautiful country. One of my favorite cities on earth is Queenstown. It’s there that I para-sailed over a mile in the air to help overcome my phobia of heights. But it appears that the people of New Zealand are developing a phobia against God. I pray revival will come to that land so it doesn’t become another spiritual wasteland like Europe. In the meantime, America needs a spiritual wake up call so our economy doesn’t become like Europe and our spirituality doesn’t become like new Zealand.
An encouraging word: RESIST THE DEVIL
“Resist the devil and he will flee from you,” James 4:7 promises. For most Christians that resistance is pretty passive. As for rebuking Satan, that ideal is foreign in nearly all American pulpits. I’ve put it this say: “The devil doesn’t go until you tell him to go!” RESIST is an active verb requiring decision and determination. Don’t think the devil will leave you alone just because you’re a Christian. He won’t depart from his attacks and influence until you give him the order to leave you alone!
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
Mention exorcism or deliverance and people give you strange looks. They also have odd ideas as to what it’s all about. I have spent a lifetime attempting to demystify deliverance. Old habits die hard, and people still envision an exorcism like something out of a Hollywood movie. Our YouTube channel, which now has nearly 3,000,000 viewers, has changed a lot about the way people think of deliverance. If you have the idea that deliverance is a spooky ritual in an old cathedral, performed with a ritualistic formula based on specific incantations, try this on for size. I’ve done exorcisms live on the radio and live in television studios, on one occasion nationwide in South Korea. I’ve done exorcisms over the phone and on Skype. Every day my schedule is filled with face-to-face encounters as well as internet sessions and phone calls.
Last night I ministered to a woman who was driving her children to a school event. Once the children had been dropped off, she pulled the car to the side of the road and sat there with her cell phone in hand. I talked with her about her issues, identified what demons she had, and called them forth to face God’s judgment. Sitting in her car, the woman growled and snarled, as I listened. Then, the demons came out. She was sent free with a cell phone 2,000 miles from where I was talking to her. Forget everything you’ve ever been told about healing, deliverance, and exorcism. You can be set free wherever you are, whatever the circumstances. Your freedom is a phone call or a Skype session away. You journey to liberation can begin any time you are ready to call upon the Lord and allow someone such as me to pray for you. Modern technology has brought us a lot of evil, such as Internet porn and sexting. But it also brings the hope that deliverance from the devil is just a mouse click or iPhone away.
An encouraging word: GOD HAS A PLAN
I spend most of my life waging spiritual warfare. I’m constantly amazed at the complexity of Satan’s plans to destroy even one individual. In some cases, the intricacies of evil have plotted for hundreds of years to destroy one single soul. You must never underestimate the lengths to which evil will go to ruin your life. Knowing this helps me to better understand how much more God has amazing purposes for every person. “I know the plans I have for you, plans to . . . give you hope and a future,” says Jeremiah 29:11. Be encouraged. Whatever Evil intends for you, God plans much more.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
 Throughout my ministry I’ve made a point to be informed about all sides of a topic. Sometimes that involves a bit of a theological and philosophical dance. To be well-informed you sometimes have to investigate primary sources to be sure your facts are correct. Caution and biblical balance is always important when reading what the enemy has to say. I don’t recommend that everyone do this. But as a writer, researcher, and apologist I sometimes have to look in the garbage to describe its danger to others. From time to time I’ve read what both Satanists and occultist have to say, as well as political liberals. Frankly, I’d rather read the former then the latter. Case in point.
A prominent liberal blog site, dedicated to defining the presidency of Barack Obama, recently took aim at Sarah Palin. She gets fired at all the time, but perhaps you should know how vicious the establishment of the liberal left can be. To attack her latest book about the war on Christmas and her recent speech at Liberty University these choice adjectives were used to describe Gov. Palin: “world class idiot,” “charlatan,” and “imbecile.” She was accused of “having no intelligence.” My purpose is not to defend Sarah Palin, she has a sharp wit and is capable of defending herself. But when she is publicly accused of leading a conservative war against “women, the poor, gays, and equality” you need to know how vicious and intellectually dishonest the liberal left can be. Lies, mockery, insults, and fabrication are too often tactics of the liberal left. (Yes, some on the right can be vitriolic, but those spokespersons are usually not mainstream like the source I am citing.) Most of all Progressives dislike Christians and are particularly upset this time of year whenever the emphasis is on Christ. The progressive political agenda is not just about politics. It’s also about ridding every semblance of Christianity from our culture. If you want to know what they really think, save the Rolaids and let me read it for you and tell you what they are saying. To Sarah Palin, I say “Go girl!” and do everything you can to keep the emphasis on Christ this time of year.
An encouraging word: HANDEL’S MESSIAH (AND OURS TOO)
At a Christmas concert last Sunday night I was brought to tears, as I usually am, by Handel’s Messiah. Standing for the Hallelujah Chorus I was reminded that no other religion has inspired such artistic awe and majesty. (Think also the Sistine Chapel.) There are no comparable anthems for Buddha. No cantatas for Mohammed. No symphonies for Krishna. While this fact by itself doesn’t declare Christianity as the true way to God, it is a telling observation. Only the Truth can inspire a Bach or a Handel.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
“Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people.”
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”
The statements of wisdom above are contrasted with the ones below:
“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings.”
“Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro.”
Obviously, the former President of South Africa was a man of contradictions. The press almost universally portrays him as a man “for the ages,” almost god-like in his compassion and leadership. No question, he was a great statesman who could have fomented a violent revolution but instead chose peace and reconciliation. In death, most journalists have chosen to remember the more erudite of his views. But at one time he espoused bloodshed if necessary to abolish apartheid. I have been to South Africa many times, including the era before Mandela’s release from the Robben Island Prison. A statement oft quoted in the South African press when he was behind bars, and underscored by white Afrikaners, was Mandela’s threat that if ever released from prison who would commit an act of terrorist violence within 24 hours. He didn’t. Instead he reached out to his white supremacist oppressors to ensure a stable transition. Did he still harbor communist style rhetoric in his heart? Or was he strategically placating the more extreme factions of the ANC party that had vowed to overthrow the De Klerk government? We’ll likely never know. But such duplicity as evidenced by the above quotes isn’t an option for true Christians. In Matthew 5:37 Christ warned, “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” Christians can’t play politics. We have to mean what we say and say what we mean!
An encouraging word: BE CONSISTENT
This past week millions of Americans suffered through horrendous storms of snow and ice. In some cities, the temperature dropped 50+ degrees from one day to the next. Such extremes of climate conditions are to be expected. Not so the extremes of our own behavior. The Living Bible says this in 2 Timothy 4:2 – Preach the Word of God urgently at all times, whenever you get the chance, in season and out, when it is convenient and when it is not. Our declaration of God’s truths can’t be like the weather, hot one day and cold the next. We must be consistent with proclaiming God’s Word.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
Stephen King has a horror story to tell. No, not that Stephen King of It, Doctor Sleep, Bag of Bones, Cujo, Firestarter, Misery, The Tommyknockers etc. I’m referring to Stephen D. King who is chief economist of HSBC Bank. The latter has just written a book that is as scary as anything the Maine-based horror writer ever thought of. King D.’s book is entitled, When the Money Runs Out: The End of Western Affluence. His premise is simple and sobering: The Western world, especially America, has experienced extraordinary economic progress throughout the last six decades, a prosperous period so continuous that ever-expanding economic growth has come to seem normal – and expected. But such an era of continuously rising living standards is a historical anomaly Stephen D. warns, and the current stagnation of Western economies threatens to reach crisis proportions in the not-so-distant future. He isn’t recommending buying gold bullion and heading for the hills with dehydrated food, but King does warn that government benefits as we know them, and Obama wants to give in greater measure, won’t be affordable in the future. By allowing budget deficits to soar and interest rates to go to zero, American citizens have become, in King’s words, “stimulus junkies.”
All this should be sobering to Christians, who more than any other people, see the trajectory of civilization headed toward an end point of centralized control and the loss of all significant human liberties. The forecast looks like this: governments promise ever more benefits of health care, pensions, and social safety nets until the resources to underwrite such largess is gone. That is followed by major social upheaval and the promise of someone, anyone, to fix it – at the price of creeping totalitarianism. We’re not the first country to encounter such a scenario, but we are the nation with the best-financed Christian population. Strangle that, and the ability to evangelize is severely hindered. Missions will suffer, Christian charities will be stymied, and all outreaches will have to pull back drastically. Finally the whole thing will be near collapse, the perfect time for a “savior” to arrive on the scene. It seems to me that the conclusion to be drawn from this projection is that “when the money runs out” the trumpet is about to sound! (1 Thess. 4:16)
An encouraging word: GOD HASN’T FORGOTTEN YOU
How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? David’s lament of Psalm 13:1 goes on in verse two: How long will my enemy triumph over me? How human. How much like you and me. We’ve all had times we felt abandoned by God, and wondered why, at the same time, our adversaries were allowed to step up their attacks on us. To each who has felt abandoned or forsaken, welcome to the human family. It’s part of living and growing in life. It’s as old as King David. And the answer to this painful query is still the same: I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Â
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
Carlee Soto hears her sister was killed in
Newtown, Conn. school shooting
Dec. 14, 2012, one year ago.
A report in yesterday’s USA-TODAY newspaper reveals a shocking statistical conclusion. Since 2006, one-third of victims in mass killings were younger than 18. The average age of meeting a violent death was eight! More shocking, one-third of those murdered were killed by a blood parent. Others were killed by stepparents, their parents’ ex-lovers, or other family members. Only 25% were killed by a person they didn’t know. Sadly, you can add to that toll all those who were maimed and violently injured by a family member. The individual stories are gut-wrenching, such as a four-year-old covered in blood who told police, responding to a call, “Everybody’s dead.” The child had covered her own bullet wounds with Band-Aids. In short, child homicide is getting out of control. In many of these cases, the killings were preceded by unthinkable abuse.
There’s plenty of blame to go around, most of the fingers pointed at guns. But take away all the firearms and you’ve still got plenty of stab wounds, broken bones, and tortured beatings. What are the real facts about our culture killing our kids?
Most of these killings took place in broken homes, common-law or live-in arrangements, or other dysfunctional child-rearing circumstances. It’s not a stretch to say that the destruction of the two-parent nuclear family is a huge contributing factor.
We legalize killing late-term babies ex-utero, so it’s just a matter of physical development separating those extracted from the womb at 8 months v. a six-month-old baby. If killing the late-term baby is government sanctioned, some might conclude that killing a kid a few months later doesn’t involve a higher premium on life?
Our movies and video games reward body counts to the extent that victims dispatched with abandon are discarded without emotion.
Extreme humanistic enthusiasts and godless behaviorist insist that life is no more sacred for the human than the animal, or plants for that matter. If humans are not unique creatures of God, their life has less value.
Research shows that abuse often turns fatal. In fact, the majority of kids killed were first beaten and bruised. If a child can be sexually and physically mistreated it may be a small step for an out-of-control, mentally ill caretaker to end the child’s life.
Stopping the killing of our kids has many solutions, but we can start by remembering the words of Psalm 127:3 – Children are a heritage from the Lord. When we recognize that there is a God, that God is the creator of life, and that all life is a sacred trust from the Almighty, it means that every human created in His image is worthy of dignity and respect. Submitting our culture and our country to God is a first step to stop killing our kids.
An encouraging word: WICKEDNESS IN SOCIETY
I read many Bible versions, but there are times when the old King James Version says it best, like in Psalm 12:8 – “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” In short, wickedness easily prevails when evil men are held up as icons. What a picture of the times we live in. Our entertainment heroes treat women as sex objects. Our politicians lie and use spin-speak to cover it up. Even preachers hide their hypocrisy until caught. In contrast, Proverbs 4:18 declares, The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
A bleeding-heart liberal attorney in New York State has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a chimpanzee. Steven Wise, an attorney and president of the Non-Human Rights Project, claims that a 26-year-old chimp is being imprisoned against his will. The lawsuit accuses the chimpanzee’s keepers, Patrick and Diane Lavery, of violating New York law. The suit alleges that the laws of New York do not “limit legal person-hood to Homo sapiens.” The attorney’s argument is that state law does not allow any “person” to be unlawfully detained. This is how far the belief in evolution has taken us. A university trained lawyer, admitted to the bar, arguing that monkeys are entitled to equal protection under the law.
What is this chimpanzee’s life like? He currently spends his fall days in a room heated to 70 degrees with walls decorated to look like a jungle. The chimp even has color, cable TV. Hundreds of millions of people in third world countries don’t have it that good. Never mind, the lawsuit is going forward until this attorney is convinced the chimp can go free, though where the chimp goes after that no one knows. Perhaps Mr. Wise would like the chimp to move in with him and sleep in his bed. Just one day of experiencing the chimp’s lack of toilet trained habits might make Mr. Wise think otherwise about his evolutionary equal. This chimpanzee might be a chimp but this lawyer is a chump.
An encouraging word: COMPARISONS
We are all prone to compare ourselves to others. The car they drive, the house they live in, what they look like are all factors we may consider when making comparisons. First Samuel 16:7 says, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Remember that the next time you compare yourself to another person. As someone who counsels those with deep, dark secrets I can assure you that things are not always what they appear on the outside.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
Some things we accept as having certitude may not have been all that certain in the beginning. Things we think are inevitable might not be. Case in point: take out your cell phone . Pull up the phone dialer and see at how the numbers are arranged. Now, who decided it would be done that way? You probably never thought about. I hadn’t, until I read an article about the 17 possible designs that Bell Telephone considered. (Remember Ma Bell, before there was a Verizon or T-Mobile?) Possible choices of dialers included:
Of course we all know it ended up like this:
My point? What we think is so unavoidable may not be all that certain. Suppose that the one labeled II-A above had been selected. We’d all be dialing our phones in a very different mode. The one IV-A wasn’t inevitable, it was just what a handful of people at Bell Labs decided on in the 1950s, a choice that now affects billions of the world’s citizens. In the end, the design that was considered most efficient won out.
There’s a spiritual lesson to be learned here. The faith that so many follow is something they inherited. If mom was a Baptist, it’s “inevitable” that little Johnny will be one. Or a Presbyterian, Methodist, and so on. Maybe an atheist, if dad didn’t believe. Perhaps a Buddhist if grandpa was one. But the pathway of serving God should be based on an informed choice and on a careful reading of the Bible and church history. Christianity should be a thoughtful resolution, not an inevitable pattern. When one wears the label “Christian” by default not decision, it may not be a real commitment of faith. I pose this dilemma to every reader of this blog. Is your spiritual path based on assumptions, like dialing numbers on a phone, without every asking, “Who put the numbers like that?” Just like those engineers at Bell Lab made conscious choices that have affected the future, each of you must make a conscious choice that will affect your spiritual future – for all eternity. Heaven or Hell should not be decided by default. Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:30, “He who is not with me is against me.” When it comes to eternity, don’t dial your decision on the wrong keypad.
An encouraging word: REJOICE WHEN GOD TESTS YOU
Psalm 11:5 says, “The Lord tests the righteous” (NKJV). What’s the point of that? Why not leave them alone. Why not test the ungodly? Why “try” (KJV) those who are doing their best to serve the Lord? Because God wants us to be better, therefore He tests our faith. For our own good, He lovingly pushes us onward and higher. Perhaps He has more wonderful things in store for us and doesn’t want us slacking off short of the greatness of our goal. So when the Lord tests you, rejoice. He’s putting his confidence in you that you’re capable of doing even more for him. The test is His way of showing that.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
It has been just barely a year since December 14, 2012, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed 20 first-graders and six adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. A year later, we know much more than was originally released to the media. A new official summary published last week says Lanza had serious mental health issues, but that he clearly knew what he was doing. He had a spreadsheet of his plans, smashed his computer hard drive to destroy evidence, and used earplugs while he fired. He also murdered his mother beforehand. Investigators revealed that as a fifth grader in the same school which became his killing field, Lanza kept a notebook called “The Big Book of Granny.” It told the tale of a woman with a gun in her cane who shoots people, especially children. Other facts we now know about Lanza include: he was obsessed with mass murders; he played violent video games; he kept a spreadsheet ranking mass murders. The report offers no answers for the question, “Why?”
Well, look at the facts and the photo. His compulsion to kill was fed by the games he played and the obsessions that occupied his time. If anyone had been playing close attention they could have seen that something serious was coming. Toward the end, he stayed in his room and his mother had to communicate with him by email – in the house they occupied together. And then there’s that photo. It’s certainly not the only picture of Lanza, but this one is truly scary. It’s a view into a mentally tormented soul, one obviously enamored with evil. The clues were there, as is often the case with mass murderers. The problem is those who should have been watching, his mother and absent father, were somehow incapable of intervening. If I had seen those eyes before he killed, I could have seen it coming. So could any deliverance minister accustomed to gazing at the evil inside souls. Sadly, so long as our culture of fantasized violence and spiritual blindness continues, Sandy Hook School may not be the last case where we could have seen the clues.
An encouraging word: HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS
Psalm 12:5 declares, ‘Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise,’ says the LORD. Our ministry has lived by those words. We have always endeavored to be a ministry to the forgotten, the leftovers, and the ones no one else wants. Early on in the days of our nationwide radio ministry we adopted the theme, HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS. We are still committed to that mission. That describes the vision of taking deliverance to the nations. All those bound by Satan need to know that there is hope that their torment can end; hope for the hopeless.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.
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